Wow. A lot to digest here. There is so much that I know I have just taken for granted based on where/when/who I was born as. Seeing all the systems of exploitation that sit beneath that is humbling, paradigm-shifting, saddening – there is a level of awareness and empathy that is presented through this. Integrating that and taking positive action is the opportunity that I see. “Education is Liberation”.
I Have a question as a Daoist Daoshi who is now entering into Buddhahood as a prospective Yogi, in my practices in Daoism specifically Wu Wei (Non-Forcefulness in alignment with the state of nature that is current within the mindfulness of the moment at hand), and in a Martial Art that is partially Taijiquan and Aikido, where one uses no force of their own, and instead uses the extant force of an opponents attack to lure them into an overextension that finds no target only a stagnant temporary inertia, that leaves them defenseless by the forceful manner of their own intentions. Are these practices considered non forceful in terms of Tibetan Buddhism ?
Tashi delek!
Don’t have questions to answer?
I thought the class was great! Very interesting to study this Buddhist prefect and realize how comprehensive he is! Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn!
I actually only missed one question here. The last one, I clicked all the radio buttons, but it is still correct. 🙂
I don’t see a quiz here?..
Wow. A lot to digest here. There is so much that I know I have just taken for granted based on where/when/who I was born as. Seeing all the systems of exploitation that sit beneath that is humbling, paradigm-shifting, saddening – there is a level of awareness and empathy that is presented through this. Integrating that and taking positive action is the opportunity that I see. “Education is Liberation”.
I Have a question as a Daoist Daoshi who is now entering into Buddhahood as a prospective Yogi, in my practices in Daoism specifically Wu Wei (Non-Forcefulness in alignment with the state of nature that is current within the mindfulness of the moment at hand), and in a Martial Art that is partially Taijiquan and Aikido, where one uses no force of their own, and instead uses the extant force of an opponents attack to lure them into an overextension that finds no target only a stagnant temporary inertia, that leaves them defenseless by the forceful manner of their own intentions. Are these practices considered non forceful in terms of Tibetan Buddhism ?
Found the button!
There’s a little button hiding at the top of the page sometimes. Hope that helps.
Tashi delek!
Don’t have questions to answer?
I thought the class was great! Very interesting to study this Buddhist prefect and realize how comprehensive he is! Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn!
I can’t complete the lesson! How do I go to the next class?