Tongue Scraping – Jihwa Prakshalana

Tongue scraping is a way to remove overnight buildup of bacteria and toxins on the tongue using a metal or plastic tongue scraper or spoon. 

Tongue scraping has been practiced for centuries in many parts of Europe, Africa, Arabia, India, and South America. The technique is an ancient Ayurvedic practice. In the past, tongue scrapers were made of thin, flexible sections of wood, various metals, ivory, mother-of-pearl, whalebone, celluloid, and tortoiseshell. 


Copper tongue scraper


*Improves sense of taste
*Removes ama and bacteria
*Reduces bad breath
*Improves overall health by preventing cavities, gum diseases, and other mouth diseases. 


*Bad breath
*Ama buildup
*Loss of taste


*Can stimulate the gag reflex and cause one to vomit. To avoid this, refrain from placing the tongue scraper too far back on the tongue. Instead, start in the middle of the tongue, and slowly work your way back as you become more comfortable.
*Risk of cutting the tongue. To avoid this, start out with lighter pressure. Can also inspect scraper for any uneven edges. 



  1. Stand in front of a mirror, open the mouth, and extend the tongue out. 
  2. Place the scraper as far back on the tongue as comfortable. 
  3. Gently pull the scraper forward to the tip of the tongue, removing the unwanted coating on the tongue. (Note* Do not scrape from the tip of the tongue backwards. Always scrape from back to front.)
  4. Rinse the scraper, and repeat as necessary.

Tongue Scraping should be done every morning on an empty stomach. 


Wash the tongue scraper with warm water and soap after each use. Store in a clean, dry area. 



Oral hygiene: a history of tongue scraping and brushing – PubMed (
The effect of tongue scraper on mutans streptococci and lactobacilli in patients with caries and periodontal disease – PubMed (
Tongue Scraping: 5 Benefits, Side Effects, Using a Spoon, and More (
Tongue and Corresponding Organ Locations (
Impact of tongue cleansers on microbial load and taste – Quirynen – 2004 – Journal of Clinical Periodontology – Wiley Online Library