✨New Event Announcement from The Buddhist Studies Institute✨


Buddhist Studies Institute

New Event Announcement!


Six Yogas Intensive

with Pema Khandro, Ph.D.

November 4 – December 9

Mondays – Online
5pm-7pm PT | 8-10pm ET | 12pm-2pm AEDT*

Niguma, Naropa, Longchenpa and the greatest masters of the Tibetan traditions practiced a system of esoteric meditations known as The Six Yogas. Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro  Ph.D., for a seven week intensive journey into the history and practice of the Six Yogas. Practice these profound techniques in a warm and brilliant community.

Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro  Ph.D.,in this seven week journey into the six yogas including their history, their implicit contexts, the practices, and their adaptations over the thousand years that they have been taught.  Trained both as an academic and as a lineage holder of the tradition, Pema Khandro provides a rigorous and compassionate approach to the study of Buddhism.

Pre-requisites: Completing Ngondro is recommended, but not required. See more details at the link below.

*11/5 -12/10 in Australia (AEDT)


Ngondro Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom

Module 4 Begins September 9- October 28

Mondays – Online
5-6:30pm PT | 8-9:30pm ET | 10am-11:30am AEST

Build your life on a solid foundation.

Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.

Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.

Advanced Meditation Teacher Training

Begins September 13- September 15*

9am-12pm PT | 12-3pm ET | 5-8pm GMT

Take meditation teaching to the next level by receiving an Advanced Meditation Teacher Certificate from the Buddhist Studies Institute. There is an urgent need for Meditation teachers who have rigorous, in-depth training beyond Mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness has opened the door to meditation in every possible setting from elementary schools to board rooms. This has left a gap for those interested in Buddhist meditation and Buddhist traditions, students want to learn more and need expert teachers to guide them.

This course focuses on the teaching of three core practices to introduce students to the Buddhist tradition. Advanced Meditation teachers will learn to lead:

  • Tonglen, the meditation on love and compassion from Mahayana Buddhism,

  • The Heart Sutra chanting meditation, the foundation of non-duality

  • The Four Noble Truths, the Buddha’s first teaching and the core principles of Buddhism

    *This training is multi-modal and dynamic and will include the weekend sessions plus weekly practice sessions and weekly practicums. Click the box below for full details on this 3-year program.

A Journey to Bhutan

In the Footsteps of Longchenpa

Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan

With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart

October 2 – 18, 2024

Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.

Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.

This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.

The Swift Path to Budhahood

Pema Khandro for Lion’s Roar

Pema Khandro on the fascinating history, practice, and purpose of the Six Dharmas of Naropa. Read the Full Article in the link below.

Are you interested in helping us spread the dharma?

The Buddhist Studies Institute is actively seeking a Manager to be available for 5-10 hours a week. This is a volunteer position.

Manager Responsibilities Include:

  • Create clear project plans and goals.

  • Establish a work plan at each stage of the project, and allocate resources accordingly.

  • Create and manage project budgets.

  • Review project plan to determine time frames

  • Remind team members of deadlines and keep team members on deadlines

  • Identify and remove any obstacles that might hinder the team’s ability to meet deadlines.

  • Effectively communicate project-relevant details throughout the organization.

  • Facilitate project-related team meetings.

  • Share project reports with governance committee

  • Collaborate on the Organization’s plans and priority

  • Design and launch evaluation surveys among team and community members.

  • Be the main point of contact for projects.

For more information, please email volunteer@buddhiststudiesinstitute.org or simply click the box below.

2024 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training 1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Ngondro Module 4 – September 9 – October 28
Advanced Meditation Teacher Training – September 13-15

A Journey to Bhutan – October 2 – October 18

Six Yogas Intensive – November 4 – December 9

Choying Dzod – November 8 – November 10

*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone