Lets. Be. Quiet. Together.

In a world of crisis, chaos, and division, there is an urgent need for spaces for quiet, connection, and support.

The Buddhist Studies Institute offers a 30-minute Daily Meditation Online at 12pm pacific time. Daily Meditation is led by a diverse faculty of certified meditation instructors or instructors-in-training, who facilitate meditation followed by a reading and contemplation of one of the Five Buddhist Precepts.

This is a drop in space, come every day, come when you can. Miss it when you need to. Everyone is welcome.

Daily Meditation Online

12pm Los Angeles (PST)   ~   3pm New York (EST)   ~   8pm London (GMT)   ~   9pm Berlin (CET)   ~   5am Sydney (AEDT)

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Stabilization and Liberation

In order to liberate our minds
– we need stable calm.

Consistency & Commitment

Stabilizing in calm clear presence
takes consistent training.

Support & Community

Daily Meditation is a container and support
for your meditation focus.

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