2023.11.Bardo Retreat.Practices for Death and Dying


2023.9.Dzogchen.Finding Rest and Ease in the Nature of Mind:


2023.4.Chakrasamvara.Empowerment & Teachings

2023.2.Vajrakilaya.Vajra Sangha Online Gathering

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2021.4.Dzogchen.Finding Comfort & Ease

2020.6.In the Presence of Dying

Pema Khandro presents Tibetan Buddhist teachings on preparing for death and the practice for Guiding Loved One's Through the Bardo (Shitro).


2020.6.Contemplative Care

Pema Khandro Interviews Koshin Paley Ellison on caring for people as they are dying. They discuss being at the bedside of someone who is difficult or angry in their final stage of life.


2020.6.Past Life Research

Pema Khandro Interviews Dr. Jim Tucker on his book Life Before Life, which discusses scientific research documenting the cases children who remember past lives.


2020.6.Transitional Life Care

Pema Khandro interviews Julie Rogers. They discuss Julie’s manual on Buddhist customs for caring for the body of loved ones who have just passed away.


2019.Eastern Ideals & Western Psychology

Pema Khandro and Harvey Aronson discuss the difference between interpretations of anger in Buddhist literature and how anger is understood in English.

2020.5.Vajrayogini Retreat with Pema Khandro & Drupon Rinchen Dorje Rinpoche


Protected: 2022.10.Calling the 100,000 Dakinis.San Diego


2020.5.3 Dakini Chod – Rinchen Trengwa

2020.7.Resting in Stillness – Annual Meditation Retreat

Changing Your Karma – Self Paced Cleanse

Guided Meditation Series with Pema Khandro


Excellent Path to Enlightenment – Module 1