The Choying Dzod


Buddhist Studies Institute

The Basic Space of Being

Choying Dzod Retreat 
With Pema Khandro and Khenpo Yeshi

August 4-6, 2023 – Online

9am – 12:00pm San Francisco (PDT)

12pm – 3:00pm New York (EDT)

Choying Dzod is the meaning of the innate nature of mind, dharmakaya.

It elucidates naked primordial wisdom without affirming or negating anything.

It is the heart essence of the visions of the Omniscient Lama Longchen Rabjam.

It is the most profound of all profound teachings.

It is the vivid arising of pure dharmakaya as the teaching.

This excellent teaching is a living buddha.

It fulfills the Buddha’s activities in this world.

It manifests the absolute vision of the Buddha.

Even if you were to see the Buddha in person, there would not be [any] greater teaching than this

– Paltrul Rinpoche

Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, The Treasury of Basic Space is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa.

Join Buddhist Studies Institute for this special program taught online by two esteemed Dzogchen scholars, Khenpo Yeshi, and Dr. Pema Khandro. Experience the power of the coinciding of study and practice.

Register Here for the Choying Dzod Retreat

Longchen Nyingthig Ngondro Training 

Module 4 Intrinsic Wisdom

Monday, August 21st – Online

5pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern

Practice Liberation.

Establish a Solid Foundation for Your Life.

Strengthen your Compassion for Self, Others & Your World.

Practice Ngondro in a Supportive Community.

Ngondro means ‘before going.’ In traditional Vajrayana practice, it represents the cognitive, physical, emotional and philosophical components which are keys to the practice of liberation. It is the basis for all Vajrayana practice and thus it is used as a the pre-requisite for the great practices of the Vajrayana tradition. However, ngondro itself is a beloved meditation series for its own sake. It is often practiced many times throughout a life cycle by great yogis of the Nyingma tradition such as Patrul Rinpoche (eighteenth century).

Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddha nature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.

Ngondro are the foundational tantric buddhist meditation practices. They include prayers, rituals, visualizations and meditations for purifying, training and empowering the body and mind. 

Register for Ngondro Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom

Ngakpa Training & Tummo Discussion Group 

July 19, 2023 5:30 PM-6:30 PM PST

Lead by De’dzin Drolma and Namkhai Jigdral

Tummo (Tib. གཏུམ་མོ་Wyl. gtum mo) is the spiritual practice of ‘inner heat’, one of the  the ‘root of the path’ techniques of Tibetan Vajrayana, according to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

Paying focused attention to the breath can help beginner and expert meditators by bringing them back to the present moment and reducing the influence of the “monkey mind“.

Join De’dzin Drolma and Namkhai Jigdral on the third Wednesday of the month for this accent practice that involves raising the body temperature to new levels using a combination of visualization, breathwork, and muscle tensing.

Finding Rest & Ease: In the Nature of Mind

Longchenpa’s Guide to Dzogchen with Pema Khandro

September 8-10 Online

8am – 12:30pm San Francisco (PDT)

11am – 3:30pm New York (EDT)

Encounter the profound instructions of the trilogy of comfort and ease, the exposition on the stages of the journey by one of the great Tibetan philosopher, Longchenpa (1308-1364). Experience three days of profound study and meditation in this three-day online retreat with Dr. Pema Khandro.

Learn More about Finding Rest

Lion’s Roar: The Four Points of Letting Go in the Bardo with Pema Khandro

“The bardo teachings are really about recognizing the value of giving up the game, which we play without even giving it a second thought.” Pema Khandro

In this article, Pema Khandro explains four essential points for understanding what it means to let go, and what is born when we do.

“Confusion is the raw material of wisdom.” Pema Khandro

Read More Here

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Finals & Graduation Online


Aug 4-6 – The Choying Dzod with Khenpo Yeshi and Pema Khandro

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-10 – Finding Rest and Ease in the Nature of Mind: Online Retreat with Pema Khandro

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone