2021.7.Medicine Buddha & Trauma

Focusing on Medicine Buddha & Trauma. Co-hosted by The Buddhist Studies Institute and The Yogic Medicine Institute, this daylong will offer buddhist philosophy and yogic methods for relating with trauma in the body and mind.
Orgyen Menla, the Medicine Buddha, is the expression of loving compassion and the capacity to heal. He is the form of the Buddha that relieves suffering and disease.


2021.2.The Deep Retreat with Pema Khandro


Online Restorative Meditation Retreat with Pema Khandro

After a year of obstacles and stress, we invite you to join us for a weekend of restoration, serenity and serene contemplation of the ultimate purpose of life.

Buddhist Philosophy
Pema Khandro teaches on The Mirror Illuminating the Heart, Dzogchen Nyingthig teachings on the vast view. These beautiful teachings consider the fundamental nature of mind and reality.

Group Meditation Classes
Pema Khandro teaches from the 27 Practices for training for Dzogchen meditation from the sems nyid ngal gso, Longchenpa’s instructions on Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind.

Heart Sutra Chanting
Remember the profound teachings that unravel it all at the root. Afternoon Heart Sutra chanting will be led in English by Buddhist Studies Institute Faculty.

Dharma Conversations
Spiritual community is an important aspect of Buddhist practice, and it is even more important during the times of pandemic when in-person gatherings are limited. Join your fellow community members in dharma conversations during afternoon tea breaks (bring your own tea!). These are guided, small group conversations led by the teaching assistants.

Restorative Yoga
Unwind, let go of stress and give your body support. This simple, slow, bliss yoga class is designed to give rest and release to your body and mind. Each afternoon session will begin with an optional yoga class for you to do at home led by Buddhist Studies Institute Faculty.

Deep Practice
Unplug. Disconnect. Take space for inner silence and chanting meditation. Share silence together. Enjoy deep dharma study. This retreat includes guidance and support for taking a break from social media and news to create space for reflection and to declutter the mind. There is an optional one hour social media period suggested each day for those who want to reduce but need to stay plugged in.

Sliding Scale: $270-395
50% Discount for Snow Lion Members
Free with Sustainer Membership, All Access Pass
*Apply Member Codes at checkout for Membership Discounts

Financial Aid

Financial aid scholarships are available.
The course costs are set at a minimum fee already, with financial aid built into all tuition rates. Because we are a non-profit organization, the costs of all activities and overhead of our organization must be covered by the participants of the courses or donations and all courses are offered at below cost. For those who are experiencing genuine financial hardship and wish to enroll in the course, Financial Aid applications are available.

Email to Apply at Info@BuddhistStudiesInstitute.org. Applications must be received in advance.


Pema Khandro
Pema Khandro is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, humanitarian and scholar specializing in the philosophy and practice of Tibet’s Buddhist Yogis. Her mission is to make in-depth Buddhist education accessible, to open the doorway to the great treasures of philosophy, meditation, medicine and art contained in Tibetan Buddhism. Pema Khandro is the spiritual leader of the Community of Buddhist Yogis in North America, she is the founder of Ngakpa International, the Buddhist Studies Institute, the Yogic Medicine Institute, Dakini Mountain, and Ngakpa House, a charity which supports the education of children and elders in the Himalayas. Pema Khandro is an authorized Lama and lineage holder of…  Learn more about Pema Khandro

2020.6.In the Presence of Dying

Tibetan Buddhist Teachings on Death & Memorial Service
Led by Pema Khandro

Death, Dying & Rebirth, the Tibetan Bardo Teachings 
Pema Khandro presents Tibetan Buddhist teachings on  preparing ourselves and loved ones for death.

Guiding Loved Ones Through the Bardo (Shitro)
Instructions and practice for Guiding Loved Ones Through the Bardo (Shitro) for all those who have passed away led by Pema Khandro.