2022.10.Moonlight Dispelling Darkness

2022.07.Troma Nagmo.Fierce Compassion

The Troma Nagmo Retreat

Online with Pema Khandro

July 15-17, 2022

9-12pm PST // 12-3pm EST // 5-8pm BST



The meditation practice of the black wrathful Dakini, Troma Nagmo, unlocks the innermost wisdom mind. It is a gateway to the profound wisdom that sees things as they are, that faces reality in its full range of expressions – of horror and beauty, rupture and peace, death and renewal. Troma Nagmo is the black wrathful dakini who escorts beings to the state beyond fear, an advanced meditation for discovering resilience, bravery and intensely compassionate presence.

This online retreat focuses on the fierce compassion meditation of Troma Nagmo, This is the fiercely compassionate form of Vajrayogini.

This retreat is taught by Buddhist scholar and Lama, Pema Khandro in an online format to support retreat practice at home. Learn more about Pema Khandro here. There are no prerequisites required to attend. Pema Khandro will bestow the lung, teachings, and practice of Troma in its classical form, from the Rinchen Trengwa Chod, a very direct cycle that cuts to the essence of the dakini wisdom. Join us for this rare opportunity to engage in the profound practice of Troma.