August Dzogchen Retreat
With Tulku Pema Khandro
Awakening Innate Wisdom:
The Twenty-One Dzogchen Meditations
With Tulku Pema Khandro
August 13th-17th, online and in San Diego
August 13th-17, 2025
This retreat provides a rare opportunity to receive authentic guidance in these essential Dzogchen methods within a supportive environment conducive to deep practice. Through direct instruction, guided sessions, and periods of integration, participants will learn how these seemingly simple yet profound techniques can cut through ordinary conceptual mind to reveal what has been present from the beginning – one’s own intrinsic wisdom. Join us to explore how the Semdzins—practices not of concentration or fabrication, but of discovery—can open doors to experiencing the natural perfection that is our primordial condition, with practical applications that extend far beyond formal meditation into everyday life.
The goal of Dzogchen meditation is to discover our timeless awareness – rigpa – beyond all limitations. Some people discover the natural state more easily through body, others through energy, others through direct mind practices. This is why we have twenty-one methods, not just one.
During this immersive retreat, participants will explore these precise methods—historically transmitted through an unbroken lineage from Garab Dorje to the present day—that serve as gateways to recognizing rigpa, our inherent awareness beyond conceptual elaboration. Whether you’re drawn to practices involving body, energy, or direct mind contemplation, these diverse approaches offer multiple pathways to the same timeless recognition. Come discover the transformative power of the twenty-one semdzins, ancient Dzogchen practices designed to directly introduce practitioners to their natural state of mind.
Experience the profound journey of Dzogchen’s twenty-one Semdzins within the powerful container of spiritual community. These ancient “mind-holding” practices—direct methods for recognizing our primordial awareness—flourish when undertaken collectively, where the shared intention and energy of practitioners creates an amplified field that supports each individual’s discovery. In this unique retreat, we honor the traditional understanding that genuine realization is not a solitary achievement but ripens most effectively when cultivated alongside fellow travelers on the path.
Our retreat community becomes a living mandala of practice, where the combined presence and dedication of all participants creates ideal conditions for these transformative methods to take root. Through guided instruction, partner exercises, small group explorations, and collective practice sessions, we’ll discover how these direct approaches to recognizing rigpa deepen through authentic human connection. The traditional Semdzin practices—working with body, energy, and mind—reveal their full potency when experienced within a field of mutual support and shared commitment. Join us to discover how the ancient wisdom of Dzogchen combined with the strength of spiritual community can illuminate your direct experience of natural mind, creating lasting connections that continue to support your practice long after the retreat concludes.
In-Person Logistics
4pm Check-in
5:30-7:30pm Lung and Opening Ceremony
10am-6pm Retreat
10am-6pm Retreat
10am-3pm Retreat
5pmDinner, Celebration and Talent Show
11am-7pm Beach Day and Dinner