Freedom Retreat


Buddhist Studies Institute

The Basic Space of Being

Online Dzogchen Teachings
With Khenpo Yeshi and Pema Khandro

August 4-6, 2023 – Online

10am – 11:30pm San Francisco (PDT)

1pm – 2:30pm New York (EDT)

Join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity!

The Treasury of Basic Space is a manual for meditation and liberation, as well as being a text that one reads to a dying person to introduce them to the nature of mind at death. Read during dying, it offers the crucial support at the most important time, by guiding the dying person to realize the nature of mind. Indeed, The Treasury of Basic Space has been read at the time of death of many great Dzogchen masters.

Khenpo Ngakchung recalls receiving this transmission from the great Tibetan teacher, Patrul Rinpoche.

…he said, “You are so lucky that you can study sitting down. I received these teachings [alone] from Paltrul Rinpoche at Dzogchen Kangtrod, at the expense of his sleep. If he sat down, he tended to fall asleep because of his advanced age, so I would walk backward holding the text in my hand for him, and he would teach me walking after me. The teachings continued in this way for many days and nights.” He continued, “Since it is said that Choying Dzod is the essence of all teachings, it was Rinpoche’s main meditation manual and it is supposed to be mine, too. Now, you must treasure this teaching in your heart….”

-Khenpo Ngakchung (1879-1941) recalling dialogues with Patrul Rinpoche

The Treasury of Basic Space details the elements of “breakthrough meditation,” (trek cho), instructions which cut through misunderstandings of emptiness and point to the vivid wakefulness of beginningless knowing.

Join Buddhist Studies Institute for this special program taught online by Khenpo Yeshi, Dzogchen Nyingthig scholar and Drikung Kagyu teacher and Dr. Pema Khandro, Dzogchen scholar, lama and lineage holder of the Nyingma tradition. The three days of online classes will include the lung, the oral initiation into this profound text by Khenpo Yeshi, study, and practice led by Khenpo Yeshi and Dr. Pema Khandro.

Register Now for the Basic Space of Being Dzogchen Retreat

Tummo Practice

for Vajrayana Training Participants

June 23, 2023 5-5:30pm PST


Ngakpa Training Discussion Group 

June 23, 2023 5:30 PM-6:30 PM PST

Lead by De’dzin Drolma and Namkhai Jigdral

Tummo (Tib. གཏུམ་མོ་Wyl. gtum mo) is the spiritual practice of ‘inner heat’, one of the  the ‘root of the path’ techniques of Tibetan Vajrayana, according to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

Join De’dzin Drolma and Namkhai Jigdral on the fourth Wednesday of the month for this accent practice that involves raising the body temperature to new levels using a combination of visualization, breathwork, and muscle tensing. 

Paying focused attention to the breath can help beginner and expert meditators by bringing them back to the present moment and reducing the influence of the “monkey mind“.

From True Self to the Bare Fact of Being

Pema Khandro on Waking Up While Facing Crisis

“The idea of non-self is not just a philosophical or abstract issue. Quite practically – it could lead to seeing oneself in a way that fosters adaptability, fluidity and responsiveness.” – Pema Khandro for BuddhaDharma Quarterly

Read More Here

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training – 1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training – 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 5,12,19 – Teaching in a Multicultural World

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 4-6 – Dzogchen Teachings Online with Khenpo Yeshi & Pema Khandro

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – 
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