Generosity and Personal Power


Buddhist Studies Institute

Dear Friends,

First of all, I would like to express gratitude to those of you who have donated to the Fall 2023 Buddhist Studies Institute Fundraiser.  Each friend, each sangha member who has donated is helping make the Buddhist teachings more vital.

Do you ever think about power?  It’s a provocative subject.  

One of the ways I like to think about it is “What can I do to make a difference?  What’s my power to do that?”

Honestly, at times I find it frustrating, not to speak of heartbreaking, to look out at the world and see the tremendous amount of suffering.  So much of it seems completely unnecessary, like “Can’t you all think of a better way to do this?”

What’s a Buddhist person to do?  There’s probably many ways to answer that question.  I like the saying of the Dalai Lama, “My religion is kindness.”   I ask myself how can I be a little more kind to the people I meet casually through the day, the people I am intimate with and even the people I happen to think of, whether I know them or not.

I think it’s a great place to start.

Another powerful thing to do is make a donation right here, right now to support these teachings.

Each dollar, each gift helps make possible classes, retreat and trainings for people like you and me to learn how to be more kind and have less suffering in our personal lives.  And it always extends out to others.

This was the Buddha’s teaching, how to relieve suffering.

Please support this campaign with your donation today.  If it’s just a few dollars, wonderful.  If you can afford more, so much the better.  If it’s your second or third time giving to this campaign, thank you!  Large or small, your donation means a lot to all of us who care about Pema Khandro’s teaching and the Buddhist Studies Institute and want to see it grow.  Thank you!

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Gifts can also be made by check, payable to:

Ngakpa International
P.O. Box 2396
Nevada City, California, 95959

Ngakpa International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit EIN 68-0529687 and all gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

May we all be more powerful in the most kind way.

Wishing you the best,

Janak Kimmel
Director of Fundraising
Ngakpa International
Buddhist Studies Institute
P.O. Box 2396
Nevada City, California 95946

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