The Buddhist Yogis Sangha is a network of people who support the integration of Buddhist wisdom into every aspect of life.
Membership is open to anyone – any faith, background, orientation or walk of life. Our community is diverse – with people participating from all over the world. Members attend retreats, attend online classes, or simply join membership as an expression of support for the tradition of Tibet’s Buddhist Yogis and the teachings of Pema Khandro Rinpoche.
Your Membership:
- Supports our mission to offer accessible Buddhist education
- Promotes the lineage of Buddhist yogis
- Shares Pema Khandro’s teachings
- Supports Pema Khandro’s programs and retreats
- Develops online programs
- Continues our residential centers
- Runs our dynamic practice communities
- Supports leadership development for local sangha leaders
- Sustains our humanitarian projects to educate children in the Himalayas
- Links our worldwide Buddhist Yogis sangha together
Membership is an expression of generosity and support. Our non-profit organization is supported by a combination of tuition from courses, monthly membership, and individual donations. However, our monthly membership pledges are the major source of funding that provides the steady basis of support. Through these pledges, we plan our courses and maintain our operating expenses.
Membership is a way to connect. Membership pledges also create a network of sangha members who support our mission and keep in touch with the heart of our community. Member-only events offer a way to connect through member-only teachings online like Dzogchen Day, or members-only events in person, like the Tsok gatherings and events with teachers. Member letters from Pema Khandro Rinpoche and a member-only online library offer inspiration and learning. Membership links up like-minded people through online discussion groups, email groups, and community building member events.