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I am delighted to welcome you as a new Friend Member of Ngakpa International. May it be a long and auspicious connection!
Pema Khandro and The Buddhist Studies Institute offer comprehensive in-depth training in profoundly transformative Buddhist methods. Thank you so much for your support. Every dollar of your membership contribution makes it possible to offer more classes and trainings to more people.
Login to www.BuddhistStudiesInstitute.org if you are not already. You chose a username and password at registration. If you need assistance with logging in, please email info@buddhiststudiesinstitute.org and we will help you.
CLICK HERE to instantly access your online Friend Member benefits, which include:
- Open Teaching Recordings:
- Guided Meditation Series
- Excellent Path to Enlightenment: Module 1
- Transforming Fear
- Dakini Day Chod
- Digital Download: Presence as the Path – First Year Meditation Manual
If you would like to update your Member Profile, go to the Member Directory and click on your profile. Here you can edit your photo, cover photo, title, location, bio, and interests.
Manage Your Membership! After logging in, you can update your membership information from your Member Account: https://buddhiststudiesinstitute.org/account/
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Info@buddhiststudiesinstitute.org.
Tsal’gyur Dorje, Membership Coordinator
Buddhist Studies Institute – A project of Ngakpa International