Ongoing Monthly Study & Practice with Pema Khandro
1st & 2nd Wednesdays, 5-6:30p pt/8-9:30p et
We are thrilled to have you joining us, may it be a long and auspicious connection!
Outlined below is quite a bit of information that you will need for participating in Vajrayana Training. We enthusiastically encourage our members to engage with these benefits and programs, however the degree of participation is up to the discretion and inspiration of each participant. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Please Start by reading the Vajrayana Training Welcome Letter & Guidelines (link).
Accessing Your Online Course Materials
Go to www.BuddhistStudiesInstitute.org
- Login with your credentials: Username and Password
- If you have forgotten your password, select “Lost Your Password?” and follow the instructions.
- please email info@buddhiststudiesinstitute.org for assistance
Once Logged In…
Access the Vajrayana Training library of recorded teachings: https://buddhiststudiesinstitute.org/vajrayana-training/
Accessing the Current Vajrayana Training, Module 5 – Course Content:
- From the main menu go to Weekly Live Classes → Vajrayana Training → Module 5
- Or Bookmark this direct link: Vajrayana Training, Module 5 Course Content
Recommended pre/co-requisites
The following is recommended as a pre/co-requisite of Vajrayana Training, to help understand how the Vajrayana is approached in this school:
- 2 Self-Paced Courses: Buddhist Ethics and Sutra Tantra Dzogchen. These courses are available a la carte or included as a benefit of Supporter, Snow-Lion, or Sustainer Membership with the Buddhist Studies Institute.
- Completion of Ngondro Training, or ngondro in another tradition. This training is available a la carte or is included with Sustainer Membership with the Buddhist Studies Institute.
Zoom Link to Join Live Classes
Is located as the first lesson in your current module course content. This link is also sent to the Vajrayana Training google group 1 hour before the start of each class.
- Access the Zoom link in your course to join live classes: https://buddhiststudiesinstitute.org/courses/vajrayana-training-module-5/lessons/schedule-zoom-link-to-join/
- Access the Vajrayana Training Google Email Group: https://buddhiststudiesinstitute.org/courses/vajrayana-training-module-5/lessons/vajrayana-training-email-group/
All Members of the School are eligible to participate in volunteer opportunities, called Service. Service is a powerful form of Buddhist practice and also the force of kindness and generosity behind the evolution, organization, and manifestation of Ngakpa International. Since the beginnings of the tradition, members of the path were the ones who sustained and supported the teachings to continue.
Service is a profound opportunity for hands-on-training, and a method for experimenting with the lived meaning of the teachings in real-life situations with the support of other Vajrayana Training participants and sangha Teaching Assistants.
Service & Volunteering for Ngakpa International is held by Kunchen Ann Wangmo. She oversees and cares for the volunteers and can answer any questions you have about how best to participate. She will be reaching out to you in the next week to schedule a day/time when you can talk together and find your place in the service program. Her email is: ann.rosencranz@gmail.com
Other Resources
For questions about your membership, monthly dues, and the workings of the School, please email us at: info@buddhiststudiesinstitute.org
We hope you enjoy Vajrayana Training with Pema Khandro Rinpoche. We are delighted to be together in the teachings and hope you will receive endless benefit from your study and participation!
The BSI Team