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Buddhist Studies Institute
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Laughter of the Dakini’s Chod Retreat
with Pema Khandro
Online & at Dakini Mountain (for members)* May 31 – June 2, 2024
Online Schedule
9am – 12pm PT | 12pm – 3pm ET | 5pm – 8pm GMT *In-Person schedule differs and is located on the registration page linked below
Laughter of the Dakini’s Chod is a profound method of psychological transformation in esoteric Buddhism. Chod is a class of meditation that points to the fearless transformation available when trusting our own innate wisdom. The practice opens a space beyond concepts that allows the inner knowing to emerge.Chod means cutting, referring to cutting through fictions to authentic presence. This cutting is not aggressive, yet it is assertive, wise and commanding, drawing from a place in being where one is capable of cutting what needs to be cut to move compassionately beyond self deception.
Morning sessions will begin with practicing the Black Dakini, the profound deity yoga meditation on the black wrathful dakini from the Jeweled Garland of Chod, (the Rinchen Trengwa) that was practiced by the first Pema Khandro and passed down from fourteenth century Tibet. This practice culminates in the generation of one’s own inner wisdom as the Black Fierce Dakini, Troma Nagmo.
*In-Person & Online: This will be a hybrid event with large group teaching sessions broadcast online. Tsok, Chod dances and Secret Chod small group sessions will be for in-person participants only. Everything else will be available for the online group. Only students who have been accepted to the Vajra Sangha, and members, are invited to attend in person. Space is limited to the first 30 to register. The In-Person Schedule varies and can be found on the registration page linked below.
Access all the Chod Resources: This retreat will include transmission and practice of all these methods and will include access to dozens of online self-paced videos on how to practice Chod. Watch the videos in advance to prepare for the retreat or watch them afterwards to continue your learning!
A Special Reunion: The 2024 Chod retreat is a profound occasion of the sangha gathering in person at the glorious land of Dakini Mountain in the scenic Tahoe National Forest of Northern California. This retreat marks the special occasion of Saga Dawa, the birthday and enlightenment of the Buddha, the most auspicious time to practice together with spiritual community.
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Choying Dzod Retreat : Treasury of Space
Online with Khenpo Yeshi and Dr. Pema Khandro
June 28 – June 30, 2024
9am – 12pm PT | 12pm – 3pm ET | 5pm – 8pm GMT
Khenpo Yeshi and Pema Khandro return for the next chapter of the Choying Dzod.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation of the ground of being.
The Treasury of Basic Space is a manual for meditation and liberation, as well as being a text that one reads to a dying person to introduce them to the nature of mind at death. Read during dying, it offers the crucial support at the most important time, by guiding the dying person to realize the nature of mind. Indeed, The Treasury of Basic Space has been read at the time of death of many great Dzogchen masters.
The Treasury of Basic Space details the elements of breakthrough meditation (trek cho), instructions which cut through misunderstandings of emptiness and point to the vivid wakefulness of sublime knowing.
Join Buddhist Studies Institute for this special program taught online by Khenpo Yeshi, Dzogchen Nyingthig scholar and Drikung Kagyu teacher and Dr. Pema Khandro, Dzogchen scholar, lama and lineage holder of the Nyingma tradition. The three days of online classes will include the lung, the oral initiation into this profound text by Khenpo Yeshi, study, and practice led by Khenpo Yeshi and Dr. Pema Khandro.
Text to be studied: “The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena.” trns. Richard Barron
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Ngondro Module 3 – Mountain of Jewels
Online on Mondays July 1 – September 2, 2024
5-6:30PM ET | 8-9:30 PM PT |1-2:30PM AEST*Tuesday in AEST
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and Tsal’gyur Dorje of the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
This Mountain of Jewels module focuses on the ultimate form of the defining Buddhist principles of letting go and interdependence. The module focuses on the mandala offering, a body-mind practice with mantra, visualization and mudras, to release all neurotic grasping in a practice of radical generosity.
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Vajrayogini Retreat with
Pema Khandro & Drupon Rinchen Dorjee
July 12 – 14, 2024
Online 9am – 12pm PT | 12pm – 3pm ET | 5pm – 8pm GMT
Join us for this special event, the Vajrayogini Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of generation stage meditation ~ led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro. Vajrayogini is the female buddha embodying radical presence. To practice Vajrayogini meditation is to cut through to innermost wisdom and innate clarity.
This exceptional program will feature three half-days of instructions, empowerment and meditations of Vajrayogini. It will be led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche who will give the empowerment and Lama Pema Khandro who will give the instructions for practice.
Pre-requisites: This event is open to the public. In order to practice the generation stage Vajrayogini meditation, Drupon Rinpoche requires that one must have completed the ngondro, or preliminary practices, of Vajrayana first. One may, however, receive the empowerment and teachings before completing ngondro to receive the blessing and prepare for later practice. To do the practice, one has to have completed ngondro. However, the first two practices may be engaged regardless of having completed ngondro or not.
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Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online or In-Person in San Diego, CA
Online and In-Person
August 15 – 17, 2024 10am – 6pm PT
In-Person Only
August 18, 2024
Tsok and Community Day at the Beach
Early Enrollment Ends June 5*
Join Lama and Dzogchen scholar, Pema Khandro, in this three day immersion in Longchenpa’s instructions for holding on to the nature of mind.
A time to contemplate expansive peace and innermost presence, this retreat will focus on cultivating deep rest through advanced relaxation practice and study of Dzogchen teachings and meditation. This is an opportunity to connect with the beautiful poetry of esoteric Buddhism at its best through vantage point of Longchenpa, the great fourteenth century Dzogchen master.
This is meditation in its esoteric form taught in the Tibetan tradition as a method to find the uncontrived state of natural innate wisdom. Pema Khandro will teach from the 27 Practices for training for Dzogchen meditation from the sems nyid ngal gso, Longchenpa’s instructions from The Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease.
The retreat will focus on instructions that lay out the path from its foundations to the experience of deep contemplative awareness and experience beyond grasping. It includes guidance on the stages of meditation and the ways to unravel and find rest in the nature of mind. This is a path of encountering innate wisdom through letting go in its sweetest sense, the letting go of effort and tension to rediscover an uncontrived presence.
This retreat can be attended online OR you can register for the in-person option which will take place at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito, 1036 Solana Drive, Solana Beach CA 92075. Please note the event is not sponsored by UUFSD. Please visit the registration page linked below for complete details including cost, registration deadlines, and complete information about lodging, meals, and more!
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A Journey to Bhutan In the Footsteps of Longchenpa
Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
October 2- 18, 2024
Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.
Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.
This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.
For more information, email Khalden by clicking the link below.
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The Swift Path to Buddhahood
Pema Khandro for Lion’s Roar
Pema Khandro writes for Lion’s Roar about the fascinating history, practice, and purpose of the Six Dharmas of Naropa. You can read the full article linked below.
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Are you interested in helping us spread the dharma?
The Buddhist Studies Institute is actively seeking a Manager to be available for 5-10 hours a week. This is a volunteer position.
Manager Responsibilities Include:
Create clear project plans and goals.
Establish a work plan at each stage of the project, and allocate resources accordingly.
Create and manage project budgets.
Review project plan to determine time frames
Remind team members of deadlines and keep team members on deadlines
Identify and remove any obstacles that might hinder the team’s ability to meet deadlines.
Effectively communicate project-relevant details throughout the organization.
Facilitate project-related team meetings.
Share project reports with governance committee
Collaborate on the Organization’s plans and priority
Design and launch evaluation surveys among team and community members.
Be the main point of contact for projects.
For more information, please email volunteer@buddhiststudiesinstitute.org or simply click the box below.
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Daily Meditation Online Vajrayana Training – 1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month Ngakpa Training – 3rd Wednesday of each month
Chod Retreat – May 31 – June 2
Chod Retreat – May 31 – June 2
Choying Dzod Retreat – June 28 – 30
Ngondro Module 3 – Mountain of Jewels – Starts July 1
Vajrayogini Retreat – July 12 – 14
AUGUST Dzogchen Retreat – August 15 – 18
OCTOBER A Journey to Bhutan – October 2 – 18
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone