Fierce Compassion & Primordial Knowing – Dakini’s Secret Tantra


Buddhist Studies Institute

The Black Wrathful Dakini’s Secret Tantra

With Lama Pema Khandro, Ph.D.

Online: October 6-8th, 2023

9am -12pm San Francisco PDT

12pm – 3pm New York EDT

11am – 2pm Sydney AEDT

Tantra and Dzogchen with their themes of transformation and being exactly we as are can sometimes seem contradictory. Yet they represent two profound paths to contemplative realization that have always been practiced together in some form. And both represent crucial aspects of the path.

This retreat focuses on a rare early Dzogchen text called the Black Wrathful Dakini’s Secret Tantra. In striking contemplative poetry, it unites the themes of Tantra and Dzogchen through contemplations of fierce compassion and primordial knowing. This is an essential text to study for those who follow Chod, the esoteric Tibetan meditations for cutting through fear. It explains and presents the meaning of the Black Wrathful Dakini and explains all aspects of ultimate reality from a non-dual perspective. This important scripture is part of the collection of the seventeen tantras, the early Dzogchen texts that were the major source of the Dzogchen Nyingthig tradition.

This sacred text unites Tantra and Dzogchen in a single stream of contemplative vision of ultimate reality as understood through the Dakini principle.

This three-day retreat focuses on the study of excerpts from the scripture, the practice of the Troma Nagmo cycle from the Rinchen Trengwa three Dakini Chod, meditation, and dharma conversation. This is part one in a series that will explore this profound scripture with Pema Khandro, whose scholarly research focuses on early Dzogchen. 

Learn More About the Black Wrathful Dakini’s Secret Tantra

The Bardo Retreat

Buddhist Practices for Death & Dying

Online: November 3-5, 2023

5pm – 7pm San Francisco PDT
8pm – 10pm New York EDT
11am – 1pm Sydney AEDT

Bardo refers to the experience of rupture- of endings and uncertainty – that leaves us suspended in the liminal spaces between what was and what will be. Bardo also refers to dying and post-death periods as well as to states of radical transformation in life. Join Dr. Pema Khandro, scholar and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism and Lama Lhanang Rinpoche for an intensive course focused on the profound wisdom and skillful means presented by the Buddhist philosophy of death, bardo, and rebirth.

Learn More About the Bardo Retreat

Save the Dates
Meditation Instuctor Training 2024

February 19 – August 5

3 Modules

Traditional Meditation

Teaching Practicum

Teaching Ethics

Learn More About Meditation Instructor Training 2024

Pema Khandro on Buddhist Women

One Nun’s Hardship & Beauty:

The Story of Gelongma Palmo 

(Tib. dGe slong ma dPal mo)

“One of the key themes of Buddhist life stories is that our experiences are not only made up of circumstances, but also of our reaction to those circumstances. Whatever happens externally may not be in our control, but we have a choice about the meanings we take from them and where we go from here. This is a Buddhist viewpoint made apparent by the radical story of Gelongma Palmo, who faced extreme hardship, yet is subsequently transformed and liberated through the experience.” ~ Pema Khandro

Read More Here

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training – 1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training – 3rd Wednesday of each month


October 6-8 The Black Wrathful Dakini’s Secret Tantra: Online Retreat with Pema Khandro

November 3-5  
Death, Dying and Rebirth: Bardo Teachings with Lama Pema Khandro and Lama Lhanang Rinpoche


February 19 – August 5, 2024 Meditation Instructor Training

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
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