Test: FA Vajra Sangha Membership

Financial Aid Vajra Sangha Membership Benefits Include:


Snow Lion Membership Benefits

  • ONLINE ACCESS PASS: Access to all Online Recordings
  • 50% Discount on Tuition for Trainings and Residential Retreats
  • Open Teachings:
    • Digital Download: Presence as the Path – First Year Meditation Manual
    • Guided Meditation Series
    • Excellent Path to Enlightenment: Module 1
    • Transforming Fear
    • Dakini Day Chod
  • Self-Paced Courses:
    • Buddhist Ethics
    • Sutra Tantra Dzogchen
    • Tibetan Dream Yoga
    • Medicine Buddha
  • Library of Recorded Retreats
  • Library of Vajrayana Training Modules 1, 2, 3
    • Joining the live classes is possible with approval through application process
  • Bi-Annual Member Letter
  • Invitation to Member-Only events
  • Support Non-Profit Buddhist Education