The Basic Space of Being


Buddhist Studies Institute

The Basic Space of Being  
The profound manual for Dzogchen Meditation

With Khenpo Yeshi and Pema Khandro

August 4-6, 2023 – Online

9am -12pm San Francisco (PDT)

12pm – 3pm New York (EDT)

Khenpo Ngakchung (1879-1941) recalling dialogues with Patrul Rinpoche:

“Choying Dzod has also been used as a liturgy (Skt. sadhana)-that is, a

daily prayer or meditation guide. My teacher Kyala Khenpo (1893-

1957) used to read a chapter of Choying Dzod and meditate on it

every day. I remember his telling Tulku Dorje Dradul (1891-1959), the

youngest son ofTerton Dudjom Lingpa (I835-1904), “I have vowed to

read a chapter of Choying Dzod every day until death comes to me.”

Tulku responded, “It is the best practice. It is the sadhana of dharmakaya,

the ultimate body of the buddha.” Even on the very morning that

Khenpo drew his last breath, he recited a chapter of Choying Dzod and

meditated on it. It was Chapter Three, which ends with

Always remain in the unchanging state.

There is no straying, even in the slightest, from awakened mind.”

-Khenpo Ngakchung (1879-1941)

Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form.

Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, The Treasury of Basic Space is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa.

Join Buddhist Studies Institute for this special program taught online by two esteemed Dzogchen scholars, Khenpo Yeshi, and Dr. Pema Khandro. Experience the power of the coinciding of study and practice.

Register Here for the Dzogchen Retreat

Longchen Nyingthig Ngondro Training 

Module 4 Intrinsic Wisdom

Starts Monday, August 21st – Online

5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Entering the Heart of the Vast Expanse

Join an international group of like-minded travelers on a profound journey into the heart of Vajrayana meditation.

The Heart of the Vast Expanse is a cherished cycle of the Nyingma lineage that prepares for the path of Dzogchen. It is also known as the Longchen Nyingthig, (klong chen snying thig) Ngondro. This is a cycle revealed by the brilliant eighteenth century Buddhist yogi, Jigme Lingpa, poet, leader, historian, and treasure revealer, whose texts synthesize the teachings of Nyingma luminary, Longchenpa.

This Ngondro training focuses on the foundational esoteric practices of the Nyingma tradition, of Tibetan Buddhism which emphasizes reliance on intrinsic wisdom, through its highest teaching, Dzogchen. 

Ngondro Is Meant To Be Done In A Community

This comprehensive course on Ngondro will be taught in four modules to support the accomplishment of practice over the period of one year. Join the Ngondro Training at the first Live Webinar Class of any module. Get support to accomplish the mantra accumulations with a weekly online practice group and an accountability partner. Find clarity by bringing questions to a live monthly class with Pema Khandro.

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Register Here for Intrinsic Wisdom Ngondro Module 4

Finding Rest & Ease In the Nature Mind

Longchenpa’s Guide to Dzogchen with Pema Khandro

September 8-10, 2023


8am – 12:30pm San Francisco (PDT)

11am – 3:30pm New York (EDT)

So much about life is uncomfortable and not easy, which is why it is important to train to tap into states of ease as a source of refuge, and recovery. Rest is a state that can be found, as the natural condition of innate space. This three day course explores the profound methods of Great Perfection for discovering natural ease based on the beloved fourteenth century scriptures of esoteric Buddhism known as “Finding Rest and Ease in the Nature of Mind.”

Experience three days of  study and meditation in this online retreat with Dr. Pema Khandro who continues to teach from this text on a yearly basis.

Learn More about Finding Rest

Buddhism and Reincarnation
with Pema Khandro

“Our state of being is a phenomenon that has its own momentum…we’re not just coming into circumstances as a blank slate.” Pema Khandro

Do you have to believe in reincarnation to be a Buddhist? How do we prepare for death? Our idea for preparing for death changes. Listen to Pema Khandro discuss the notion of reincarnation in Buddhism and how this idea is connected with the Buddhist worldview of interdependence, cause and effect, momentum of karmic actions and the motivation to interrupt cycles of unconscious habitual existence.

Watch Here

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month


Aug 4-6 – The Choying Dzod with Khenpo Yeshi & Pema Khandro

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-10Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind: Online Retreat with Pema Khandro

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone