Purifying the Mind – Starts Today!


Buddhist Studies Institute

Purifying the Mind

Ngondro Training Module 2 – Online with Pema Khandro

Starts Monday, April 24 – Online

5-6:30pm San Francisco (PDT)

8-9:30pm New York (EDT)

10-11:30am Sydney (AEST)

Have you ever wanted to do something important to you, went through cycles of trying and failing, given up in frustration and then later went back to it and found, to your extreme joy and possibly to your surprise, that, yes, you could do it?

Through the Buddhist Studies Institute, Pema Khandro has made your successful practice her top priority. And perhaps the most seminal of the practices of Tibetan Buddhism is the Ngondro (pronounced “Non dro”) which literally translates as “Before Going.”

Ngondro provides a firm basis for living the meaning of Buddhist practice by training the body, speech and mind in the vast view. It provides an immersion into the core techniques of Buddhist tantra. Module 2, Vajrasattva meditation and purification of karma, is a highly effective practice. It’s an education that teaches you the attitudes, mindset and ways of a successful practitioner.

This training is designed with busy people in mind and if you cannot attend a segment of the training live, you will have access to the recording so you can view at a time that fits your schedule.

Register Now for Ngondro Module 2

Chod Retreat

At Dakini Mountain with Pema Khandro

June 1st – 4th, 2023

Chod is the profound method of psychological transformation in esoteric Buddhism. Chod means cutting, referring to cutting through fictions to authentic presence.

Tsok, Chod dances and Secret Chod small group sessions will take place throughout the weekend, with transmissions and teachings from Pema Khandro.

This is a profound occasion of the sangha gathering for the first in person retreat since the pandemic at the glorious land of Dakini Mountain in the scenic Tahoe National Forest of Northern California. We will also celebrate Saga Dawa, the birthday and enlightenment day of the Buddha together in person with spiritual community!

Register Now

Ngakpa Training

5pm PST April 26, 2023

For students enrolled in Ngakpa Training, we will have a Ngakpa Training with Pema Khandro on April 26th and a discussion group to talk about key parts of our reading from the Treasury of Words and Meaning to follow.

Impermanence, Illness, and Health Podcast

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and Pema Khandro Rinpoche

Author, teacher, and founder of the Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery, Tenzin Palmo has a frank discussion with fellow teacher and scholar, Pema Khandro Rinpoche about what advice Buddhism has to offer about health and illness during a time of pandemic. Tenzin Palmo also shares what she’s learned about suffering and gratitude while on solitary retreat in a Himalayan cave for 12 years, and what she did after.

Listen Here

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Apr 7-9 –  Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 3 – Saga Dawa Celebration

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online w/Khenpo Yeshi & Pema Khandro

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Early Enrollment for Chod Retreat Extended to April 30th


Buddhist Studies Institute

Dzogchen Chod Retreat with Pema Khandro

At Dakini Mountain Retreat, Nevada City, CA

June 1st – 4th, 2023

Early Enrollment Discount Extended to April 30th

Join the community of Buddhist Yogis for a weekend of practice and celebration of the Dzogchen Chod, a profound method of healing and liberating through fear.

Chod is a Tibetan meditation which is a potent, dynamic practice for cutting through fear and facing death. It is a practice of healing through ultimate compassion.

Mornings will focus on the Dzogchen Chod, known as Khandro Geykyang, the Laugher of the Dakinis, the concise version. Pema Khandro will give the transmission, lead the practice sessions and lead workshops on cutting through fear through the secret chod practice.

Midday sessions will focus on Troma practice, the profound deity yoga meditation on the black wrathful dakini from the Jeweled Garland of Chod, (the Rinchen Trengwa).

Evening sessions will focus on the Secret Chod – a path of profound psychological and embodied transformation. It is a direct path to healing through fear done in solitary practice and small community workshops.

The early enrollment closes April 30th, sign up now to get a discount.

Sign up here

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 3 – Saga Dawa Celebration Online

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online with Khenpo Yeshi & Pema Khandro: ཆོས་དབྱིངས་མཛོད་, Chöying Dzö.

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Purifying the Mind


Buddhist Studies Institute

Entering the Heart of the Vast Expanse

Ngondro Training Module 2: Purifying the Mind

Starts Monday, April 24 – Online

5-6:30pm San Francisco (PDT)

8-9:30pm New York (EDT)

10-11:30am Sydney (AEST)

Join an international community on a profound journey into the heart of Vajrasattva meditation.

Vajrasattva is a transformative process of inner change and interpersonal healing. This meditation is used for clearing unprocessed experiences and past misdeeds and making amends for wrong doing.

Ngondro are the foundational tantric buddhist meditation practices. They include prayers, rituals, visualizations and meditations for purifying, training and empowering the body and mind.

Register Now for Ngondro Module 2

Testimonials From Recent Ngondro Grads

“What a precious opportunity it has been to receive the transmissions, dharma teachings and practices of the Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro from Pema Khandro Rinpoche! Having completed Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro even just once has been foundational to my life and my practices.” ~K

“Being able to persevere and go beyond so many limitations in both body and mind, and through that glimpsing some profound potentials of the path. This entire year has been my refuge, the practice will continue to reverberate even once I complete the recitations, and I think that it’s given me an orientation for my life going forward.” ~C

“This was such a great experience that it made me think a lot about the possibility of this practice, of the high level of beauty, magic, integrity, and tenderness – all of it’s there. It is a better world. It’s a world that I can go to and that’s really like a refuge. I didn’t know what a difference I would feel when I started this. The shimmering of life is dulled down for all these weird reasons, and this is a great remedy for that.” ~I

“I got a lot more kindness for myself, which I was in need of. I built a digital Sangha. The words that I’m saying at the beginning [refuge], were just words, and now feel true, it’s such a warm, lovely feeling, and it makes me excited to keep learning and exploring my practice.” ~G

“Deep and rich, in so many dimensions – to be practicing either literally or just in daily experience, it’s very meaningful and significant, and I felt a lot of growth through that.“ ~R

All of the ngondro meditations are highly psychological and psycho-physical. They deal with the fundamental issues of a spiritual life, ones identity, body, relationships, past and future.

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Dzogchen Chod Retreat with Pema Khandro

At Dakini Mountain Retreat, Nevada City, CA

June 1st – 4th, 2023

Chod is a Tibetan meditation which is a potent, dynamic practice for cutting through fear and facing death. It is a practice of healing through ultimate compassion.

Mornings will focus on the Dzogchen Chod, known as Khandro Geykyang, the Laugher of the Dakinis, the concise version. Pema Khandro will give the transmission, lead the practice sessions and lead workshops on cutting through fear through the secret chod practice.

Midday sessions will focus on Troma practice, the profound deity yoga meditation on the black wrathful dakini from the Jeweled Garland of Chod, (the Rinchen Trengwa).

Evening sessions will focus on the Secret Chod – a path of profound psychological and embodied transformation. It is a direct path to healing through fear done in solitary practice and small community workshops.

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Lion’s Roar: Be Kind To Yourself

with Pema Khandro

“You have enlightened nature,” Pema Khandro Rinpoche.

If we visualize in meditation that our body-mind is a landscape of buddhas, we are motivated to attend to it compassionately.

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2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Apr 7-9 –  Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online w/ Khenpo Yeshi & Pema Khandro

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Bodhisattva’s Way with Pema Khandro


Buddhist Studies Institute


Excellent Path Module 3 – Online with Pema Khandro

Mondays, May 1st – 22nd

1-1:30pm San Francisco (PDT)

4-4:30pm New York (EDT)

9-9:30pm London (BST)

This class covers essential topics of Buddhist philosophy including emptiness, bodhichitta (the altruistic enlightened intent) and the nature of wisdom.

By Donation. The text to be studied is Longchenpa’s Excellent Path to Enlightenment. Free and open to the public.

Register Now

Ngondro Module 2- Purifying The Mind

Longchen Nyingthig Ngondro – Module 2, Purifying the Mind

Mondays, Apr 24 – Jun 12

5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Purifying the Mind (Module 2) focuses on cleansing karma. This features one of the most important practices of Buddhist tantra – the Vajrasattva Meditation. This meditation is used for clearing unprocessed experiences and past misdeeds and making amends for wrong doing. Vajrasattva is a transformative process of inner change and interpersonal healing. Vajrasattva mantras and meditation are introduced and instructed by Pema Khandro followed by weekly Monday night ngondro practices led by Tsalgyur.

Ngondro means ‘before going.’ In traditional Vajrayana practice, it represents the cognitive, physical, emotional and philosophical components which are keys to the practice of liberation. It is the basis for all Vajrayana practice and thus it is used as a the pre-requisite for the great practices of the Vajrayana tradition. However, ngondro itself is a beloved meditation series for its own sake. It is often practiced many times throughout a life cycle by great yogis of the Nyingma tradition such as Patrul Rinpoche (eighteenth century).

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Register for Ngondro Module 2

Chod Retreat

At Dakini Mountain with Pema Khandro

Nevada City, California

June 1st – 4th, 2023

Chod is the profound method of psychological transformation in esoteric Buddhism. Chod means cutting, referring to cutting through fictions to authentic presence.

The 2023 Chod retreat is a profound occasion of the sangha gathering for the first in person retreat since the pandemic at the glorious land of Dakini Mountain in the scenic Tahoe National Forest of Northern California. We will also celebrate Saga Dawa, the birthday and enlightenment day of the Buddha together in person with spiritual community!

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Everything is Wisdom: Pema Khandro on the source and true nature of ourselves for Lion’s Roar

“The goal of Vajrayana Buddhism, as practiced in the Tibetan tradition, is to realize and identify with the primordial wisdom that is already within us, that is our very being.”

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2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 4-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online with Khenpo Yeshi & Pema Khandro

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Chakrasamvara Empowerment Tomorrow!


Buddhist Studies Institute

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Pema Khandro

April 7-9, 2023

9AM-12PM San Francisco (PDT) / 12-3PM New York (EDT)

Join us for this special event, the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of deity yoga. In our ongoing commitment to the practices of Vajrayogini, this exceptional program will feature the practice of Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini in union. This is concise Chakrasamvara from the nineteenth-century Tibetan Buddhist master Orgyen Nuden Dorje.

We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy-to-understand English.

What is Deity Yoga?

Receive a direct and potent pathway to go beyond the limiting concept of self to disinhibit the profound wisdom within.

By understanding the transformative potential of how things appear in deity yoga practice (yidam), one enters into a direct experiential engagement with the view of emptiness and appearance as co-emergent, non-dual, and the basis of liberation. This wisdom is not created or constructed, it is the authentic, uncontrived wisdom that lives within being. This is not merely a mental exercise but instead, it is a transformation of embodied experience

Register Now for Chakrasamvara

Ask the Teachers with Pema Khandro for Lion’s Roar:
What separates secular mindfulness from Buddhism?

How do I uphold something specific without falling into dogma or fundamentalism?

Myozen Joan Amaral, Rev. Marvin Harada, and Pema Khandro Rinpoche answer a practitoner’s question about secular expressions of Buddhism.

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2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Dzogchen Teachings Online with Khenpo Yeshi & Pema Khandro

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Buddhist Studies Institute

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro

April 7-9, 2023

9am-12pm San Francisco [PDT]

12-3pm New York [EDT]

5-8pm London [BST]

Register for Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

Join us for this special event, the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of generation stage meditation, led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro. This exceptional program will feature three mornings of instructions, empowerment and meditations of Chakrasamvara. It will be led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche who will give the empowerment and Lama Pema Khandro who will give the instructions for practice. We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy to understand English.

About the Teachers

Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche

Drupon Rinchen Dorjee joined the Drikung Kagyu Institute in 1993, and has received instruction in philosophy, Gongchig, Theckchen Tenying, Dhagpo Thargyan, and Uttaratantra from Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen and other profound teachers of the Lineage. In 1995 Drupon received full ordination vows from His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, and in the same year accomplished the ngondro practices to mahamudra and the grand mantra recitation of Chakrasamvara. In 1996, he received initiation into the Profound Path of the Six Yogas of Naropa. Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche has completed two (2) three-year retreat courses, one at Almora and one at Labchi, the holy retreat place of the great yogi, Milarepa. He has received profound instructions too numerous to mention during these retreats.  In 2005, he received the five-deities Hevajra according to Marpa’s tradition of empowerment, transmission and instructions from His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, and in 2006 he completed the grand mantra recitation of glorious Hevajra’s fire puja at the Almora retreat center.

Pema Khandro, PhD

Pema Khandro is an internationally renowned teacher and scholar of Buddhist philosophy. She is the founder of Ngakpa International and its three projects, The Buddhist Studies Institute, Dakini Mountain and the Yogic Medicine Institute. In her work as a Buddhist teacher she is an authorized Lama and lineage holder of the Nyingma and Kagyu traditions and was enthroned to carry on the lineage of her predecessor, the first Pema Khandro, an early twentieth century yogini from Eastern Tibet. She has led a vibrant world-wide community since 1999. Through the Buddhist Studies Institute, she also offers a complete curriculum of training in Tibetan meditation and Buddhist Philosophy. She has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology, a Master’s degree specializing in Tibetan studies, and a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from the University of Virginia. Her scholarly research focuses on the history of Dzogchen and on Women in Tibetan Buddhism.

Register for Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Program TBA


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings with Drupon Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Buddhist Studies Institute

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

with Drupon Pinpoche and Pema Khandro

April 7-9 2023

9am-12pm San Francisco [PDT]
12-3pm New York [EDT]
5-8pm London {GMT]

Tibetan tantric meditation unravels the root of suffering through addressing the mind’s relationship with self and identity. Through the deity yoga practice (yidam), tantric meditations provide a direct and potent pathway way to go beyond the limiting concept of self to disinhibit the profound wisdom within.

Led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro, this exceptional program will feature three mornings of instructions, practice, and meditations led by Lama Pema Khandro, and the empowerment of Chakrasamvara given by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche.

We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy to understand English.

Register Now for Chakrasamvara

Ngondro Training Module 2

Purifying The Mind

Monday, April 24th – Online with Pema Khandro

5-6:30pm San Francisco [PDT]
8-9:30pm New York [EDT]
10-11:30am Sydney [AEST]

Vajrasattva Meditation – Purification of Karma
Ngondro self-paced classes and live webinars will be led by Lama Pema Khandro, scholar and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism. Khandro-la’s teachings emphasize Buddhist philosophy and practice from a trauma-informed, feminist perspective that engages tradition with the great questions of our time. Classes with Pema Khandro will be given by self-paced videos and live meetings once a quarter, with practice sessions led in between by Tsalgyur.

Ngondro in the Dzogchen Tradition
This Ngondro training focuses on the foundational esoteric practices of the Nyingma tradition, of Tibetan Buddhism which emphasizes reliance on intrinsic wisdom, through its highest teaching, Dzogchen. The Heart of the Vast Expanse is a cherished ngondro cycle of the Nyingma lineage. It is also known as the Longchen Nyingthig, (klong chen snying thig). This is a cycle revealed by the brilliant eighteenth century Buddhist yogi, Jigme Lingpa, poet, leader, historian, and treasure revealer, whose texts synthesize Longchenpa’s teachings.

Pema Khandro recommends Ngondro teachings for serious students who wish to do intensive contemplative training, in an accessible format. Dedicated to training yogis, householders and lay people outside of the monastery, Pema Khandro presents these practices in their concise, essential form. This comprehensive course on Ngondro is taught in four modules to support the accomplishment of practice over the period of one year, with the training modules completed in nine months.

Testimonials From Recent Ngondro Grads

“What a precious opportunity it has been to receive the transmissions, dharma teachings and practices of the Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro from Pema Khandro Rinpoche! Having completed Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro even just once has been foundational to my life and my practices.” ~K

“This was such a great experience that it made me think a lot about the possibility of this practice, of the high level of beauty, magic, integrity, and tenderness – all of it’s there. It is a better world. It’s a world that I can go to and that’s really like a refuge. I didn’t know what a difference I would feel when I started this. The shimmering of life is dulled down for all these weird reasons, and this is a great remedy for that.” ~I

All of the ngondro meditations are highly psychological and psycho-physical. They deal with the fundamental issues of a spiritual life, ones identity, body, relationships, past and future.

Register Now for Ngondro Training Module 2

Pema Khandro on cultivating the boundless love of a bodhisattva for The Lion’s Roar

How to Open Your Heart Further

“When our love is tired or has hit its limits, Buddhism suggests we open our hearts further and tap into a more expansive love”.

This is the advice to cultivate boundless love for all sentient beings when we are parted from those we love is a teaching for us all.

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Ngakpa Training Discussion Group

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

For students enrolled in Ngakpa Training, we will have a Ngakpa Training discussion group to talk about key parts of our reading from the Treasury of Words and Meanings.

The Ngakpa Training offers an in-depth study of Vajrayana Buddhism. The five-year curriculum focuses on a study of Vajrayana Buddhist history, philosophy and practice, focusing on the Inner Tantras of the Nyingma Tradition, also known as MahaYoga, AnuYoga, and Dzogchen. These studies alternate with one on one dialogues with the Lama in phone classes, private meetings, and Vajra Sangha retreats.


This class is open to students who have completed the following requirements

  • Foundations of Buddhist Philosophy Series

  • Buddhist Meditation Series

  • A period of six months in Vajrayana Training or attending three in-person retreats with Pema Khandro

  • Application

  • Interview

To schedule an interview email Membership@BuddhistYogis.org.

Learn More About Becoming a Student of Pema Khandro

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders


Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
Apr 24-Jun 12 –
Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Program TBA


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Healthy Boundaries for Leaders Starts Saturday!


Buddhist Studies Institute

Have you wondered how to identify and keep healthy boundaries as a leader?

This webclass is open to Meditation Instructors certified through the Buddhist Studies Institute or currently enrolled in Meditation Instructor Training, and to meditation instructors who received their instruction and training through other programs and schools. It is also offered as part of the 180-hour Meditation Instructor Training curriculum offered through the Buddhist Studies Institute.

Register Now for Healthy Boundaries for Leaders

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

with Drupon Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro

April 7 – 9, 2023

Join us for this special event, the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of generation stage meditation, led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro. This exceptional program will feature three mornings of instructions, empowerment and meditations of Chakrasamvara. It will be led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche who will give the empowerment and Lama Pema Khandro who will give the instructions for practice. We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy to understand English.

Register Now for Chakrasamvara

Buddhism on Sickness & Health

“The sooner you let it into your heart, the sooner the pain passes.” Listen in as Pema Khandro interviews Toni Bernhard as part of a a mini-series on Buddhism and sickness.

Listen Here

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online

Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training– Jan 21-Jun 16


Mar 3-5 –Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 –Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 –Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders

Apr 7-9 –  Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Apr 24-Jun 12 –Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 –Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 –Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) –Check your Timezone

Embodying Natural Heroism


Buddhist Studies Institute

Embodying Natural Heroism

with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Pema Khandro

April 7-9, 2023

9AM-12PM San Francisco (PDT) / 12-3PM New York (EDT)

Receive a direct and potent pathway way to go beyond the limiting concept of self to disinhibit the profound wisdom within.

By understanding the transformative potential of how things appear in deity yoga practice (yidam), one enters into a direct an experiential engagement with the view of emptiness and appearance as co-emergent, non-dual, and the basis of liberation. This wisdom is not created or constructed, it is the authentic, uncontrived wisdom that lives within being. This is not merely a mental exercise but instead, it is a transformation of embodied experience.

Join us for this special event, the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of generation stage meditation, led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro. This exceptional program will feature three mornings of instructions, empowerment and meditations of Chakrasamvara. It will be led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche who will give the empowerment and Lama Pema Khandro who will give the instructions for practice. We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy to understand English.

This is the practice that raises the innate wisdom to persevere, even in the face of tremendous difficulties.

Register Now for Chakrasamvara

Join Pema Khandro for The Dalai Lama
Global Vision Summit

March 16-20, 2023

Presented by Lion’s Roar and Tibet House US, with the express support of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, you can look forward to 5 inspirational days of free video sessions from 20 speakers exploring how we can navigate our increasingly uncertain world with compassion, goodness, and virtue.

How do we navigate the increasingly uncertain world we live in with compassion, goodness, and virtue?

The Dalai Lama’s kindness, humility, and wisdom lead the way and set an example for us all, and we are pleased to invite you to explore his vision and key messages to the world in The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2023.

Join us for this incredible opportunity to hear from an esteemed panel of Buddhist teachers, experts, spiritual leaders, and activists to celebrate and reflect upon what it means to be human in our modern world.

PS. Sign up today and get a special gift: a downloadable selection of teachings from Lion’s Roar’s exclusive publication The Vision of the Dalai Lama: Wisdom for a Compassionate World.

Save Your Spot For Free

Celebrate Women’s History Month with Pema Khandro in Lion’s Roar

Hear Our Voices

Introduced and moderated by Pema Khandro Rinpoche, hear Myokei Caine-Barrett, Narayan Helen Liebenson, Rebecca Li, and Myoan Grace Schireson as they share their experiences and insights into being a female teacher and leader in today’s world.

Read More

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online
Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month
Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders


Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro

Apr 24-Jun 12 –
Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

2023 Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit


Buddhist Studies Institute

Join Pema Khandro for
The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit

March 16-20, 2023

Presented by Lion’s Roar and Tibet House US, with the express support of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, you can look forward to 5 inspirational days of free video sessions from 20 speakers exploring how we can navigate our increasingly uncertain world with compassion, goodness, and virtue.

Join tens of thousands of participants from all over the world and your host Dr. Jan Willis to unpack the essential teachings and priorities of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as we explore how to:

Cultivate goodness in ourselves and others.

  • Use the power of the fundamental human quality of compassion to experience inner happiness and create a more harmonious and just society

  • Embrace the Dalai Lama’s call for “a new global ethics of universal responsibility”

  • Use the personal insights gained through meditation to see the world more clearly and unlock a path toward societal change

  • Apply key Buddhist teachings on wisdom to the challenges faced by humanity

Sign up now to join us for this momentous global summit and gain free access to 20 inspiring sessions and 18 guided meditation practices from a remarkable gathering of presenters, including:

  • Daniel Goleman, Psychologist and bestselling author

  • Dr. Joe Loizzo, Founder and Academic Director, Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science

  • Thupten Jinpa, President, Compassion Institute

  • Lisa Miller, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of The Awakened Brain, and founder of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute

  • Pamela Ayo Yetunde, Co-Founder, Buddhist Justice Reporter, and author

  • Robert Thurman, President, Tibet House US

  • Dr. Vandana Shiva, Physicist

  • Dr. Pema Khandro, Buddhist Teacher and Scholar

and many more.

Reserve your spot and join us online from March 16-20.

PS. Sign up today and get a special gift: a downloadable selection of teachings from Lion’s Roar’s exclusive publication The Vision of the Dalai Lama: Wisdom for a Compassionate World.

Save Your Spot For Free

Buddhism & Sexuality – Starts Tomorrow


Buddhist Studies Institute

Click Below to watch the Short Intro
Buddhism & Sexuality with Pema Khandro

Buddhism & Sexuality

Online with Pema Khandro and Esteemed Guests

March 3rd – 5th, 2023

Join Dr. Pema Khandro, Dr. Nicole Willock and Dr. Julie Regan for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen.

This three day dialogue series will discuss questions such as what Buddhism says about polyamory, polygamy, and monogamy, where do queer sexualities fit in yab yum imagery, and more!

Register Now for Buddhism & Sexuality

Teaching Trauma Informed Meditation
Mondays, March 6 – 27

Geared towards supporting Meditation Instructors, this class is open to Meditation Instructors certified through the Buddhist Studies Institute or currently enrolled in Meditation Instructor Training, and to meditation instructors who received their instruction and training through other programs and schools. I

Optional weekly 30 minute Focus Groups with Aruna Rig’dzin and Dr. Satya offer review and discussion of self-paced coursework and time for fostering community connections.

Learn More

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

Online with Pema Khandro & Drupon Dorje Rinpoche

April 7-9, 2023

What is Chakrasamvara Meditation?
The Chakramsamvara meditation focuses on the non-dual union of the great hero and heroine, Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini (as Vajravarahi). They are the two key deities of esoteric Buddhist meditation. This is the practice that raises the innate wisdom to persevere, even in the face of tremendous difficulties. As the great hero, Chakrasamvara calls forward innate stability and skill. As the wheel of great bliss, Chakrasamvara calls forward the joy of non-dual union of male and female energies within being.

Join us for this special event, the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of generation stage meditation, led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro. This exceptional program will feature three mornings of instructions, empowerment and meditations of Chakrasamvara. It will be led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche who will give the empowerment and Lama Pema Khandro who will give the instructions for practice. We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy to understand English.

Register Now for Charkrasamvara

Healthy Boundaries for Teachers and Leaders

With Pema Khandro, Aruna Rig’dzin and Dr. Satya

March 25 – April 24, 2023

Geared towards supporting Meditation Instructors, this webclass is open to Meditation Instructors certified through the Buddhist Studies Institute or currently enrolled in Meditation Instructor Training, and to meditation instructors who received their instruction and training through other programs and schools. It is also offered as part of the 180-hour Meditation Instructor Training curriculum offered through the Buddhist Studies Institute.

Upcoming Events

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online

Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders

Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Ngondro Training Starts Today!


Buddhist Studies Institute

Ngondro Training Starts Today!

Module 1 Field of Buddhas

Monday, February 27th – Online

5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Entering the Heart of the Vast Expanse

Join an international group of like-minded travelers on a profound journey into the heart of Vajrayana meditation.

The Heart of the Vast Expanse is a cherished cycle of the Nyingma lineage that prepares for the path of Dzogchen. It is also known as the Longchen Nyingthig, (klong chen snying thig) Ngondro. This is a cycle revealed by the brilliant eighteenth century Buddhist yogi, Jigme Lingpa, poet, leader, historian, and treasure revealer, whose texts synthesize the teachings of Nyingma luminary, Longchenpa.

Ngondro Module 1 – Field of Buddhas

This module focuses on the purification of speech as the basis for Buddhist tantric practice. It then focuses on generating the refuge field. This is a practice of getting resourced, learning one’s own lineage and understanding the field of support for one’s spiritual journey. This section concludes with a focus on raising the altruistic, enlightened intent, bodhichitta. Bodhichitta is the ground, the fuel and purpose of life and it is the essential ingredient in tantric meditations.

Ngondro Is Meant To Be Done In A Community

This comprehensive course on Ngondro will be taught in four modules to support the accomplishment of practice over the period of one year. Join the Ngondro Training at the first Live Webinar Class of any module. Get support to accomplish the mantra accumulations with a weekly online practice group and an accountability partner. Find clarity by bringing questions to a live monthly class with Pema Khandro.

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Testimonials From Recent Ngondro Grads

“What a precious opportunity it has been to receive the transmissions, dharma teachings and practices of the Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro from Pema Khandro Rinpoche! Having completed Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro even just once has been foundational to my life and my practices.” ~K

“Being able to persevere and go beyond so many limitations in both body and mind, and through that glimpsing some profound potentials of the path. This entire year has been my refuge, the practice will continue to reverberate even once I complete the recitations, and I think that it’s given me an orientation for my life going forward.” ~C

“This was such a great experience that it made me think a lot about the possibility of this practice, of the high level of beauty, magic, integrity, and tenderness – all of it’s there. It is a better world. It’s a world that I can go to and that’s really like a refuge. I didn’t know what a difference I would feel when I started this. The shimmering of life is dulled down for all these weird reasons, and this is a great remedy for that.” ~I

“I got a lot more kindness for myself, which I was in need of. I built a digital Sangha. The words that I’m saying at the beginning [refuge], were just words, and now feel true, it’s such a warm, lovely feeling, and it makes me excited to keep learning and exploring my practice.” ~G

“Deep and rich, in so many dimensions – to be practicing either literally or just in daily experience, it’s very meaningful and significant, and I felt a lot of growth through that.“ ~R

All of the ngondro meditations are highly psychological and psycho-physical. They deal with the fundamental issues of a spiritual life, ones identity, body, relationships, past and future.

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Buddhism & Sexuality Starts This Week!

March 3rd – 5th Online

9am – 12pm pacific / 12-3pm eastern

Hosted by Pema Khandro

Did the Buddha teach consent? What do celibacy and sacred sexuality have in common? What does Buddhism say about polyamory, polygamy, and monogamy? Where do queer sexualities fit in yab yum imagery? What’s the difference between neo tantra and Buddhist tantra? Where does Buddhism draw the line on sexual abuse and violence? Join three scholars of Buddhist Studies to explore the profound topic of the history of Buddhist sexualities pertaining to:

  • Celibacy

  • Sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra

  • A simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen

Register for Buddhism & Sexuality

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

with Drupon Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro

April 7 – 9, 2023

Join us for this special event, the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of generation stage meditation, led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro. This exceptional program will feature three mornings of instructions, empowerment and meditations of Chakrasamvara. It will be led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche who will give the empowerment and Lama Pema Khandro who will give the instructions for practice. We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy to understand English.

Register Now for Chakrasamvara

Start Women’s History Month with Pema Khandro in Lion’s Roar

The First Women’s March

More than two-and-a-half centuries ago, Mahapajapati Gotami, the Buddha’s aunt, set a precedent for the women’s rights.

Read More

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online

Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Jan 25-Feb 27 – Buddhist Ethics

Feb 22 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 27-Oct 16 – Ngondro Training

Feb 27-Apr 17 – Ngondro 1 – The Field of Buddhas


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders

Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Only 2 Days Left to Enroll


Buddhist Studies Institute

Ngondro Training Starts Monday

Module 1 Field of Buddhas

Monday, February 27th – Online

5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Entering the Heart of the Vast Expanse

Join an international group of like-minded travelers on a profound journey into the heart of Vajrayana meditation.

The Heart of the Vast Expanse is a cherished cycle of the Nyingma lineage that prepares for the path of Dzogchen. It is also known as the Longchen Nyingthig, (klong chen snying thig) Ngondro. This is a cycle revealed by the brilliant eighteenth century Buddhist yogi, Jigme Lingpa, poet, leader, historian, and treasure revealer, whose texts synthesize the teachings of Nyingma luminary, Longchenpa.

Ngondro Module 1 – Field of Buddhas

This module focuses on the purification of speech as the basis for Buddhist tantric practice. It then focuses on generating the refuge field. This is a practice of getting resourced, learning one’s own lineage and understanding the field of support for one’s spiritual journey. This section concludes with a focus on raising the altruistic, enlightened intent, bodhichitta. Bodhichitta is the ground, the fuel and purpose of life and it is the essential ingredient in tantric meditations.

Ngondro Is Meant To Be Done In A Community

This comprehensive course on Ngondro will be taught in four modules to support the accomplishment of practice over the period of one year. Join the Ngondro Training at the first Live Webinar Class of any module. Get support to accomplish the mantra accumulations with a weekly online practice group and an accountability partner. Find clarity by bringing questions to a live monthly class with Pema Khandro.

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Testimonials From Recent Ngondro Grads

“What a precious opportunity it has been to receive the transmissions, dharma teachings and practices of the Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro from Pema Khandro Rinpoche! Having completed Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro even just once has been foundational to my life and my practices.” ~K

“Being able to persevere and go beyond so many limitations in both body and mind, and through that glimpsing some profound potentials of the path. This entire year has been my refuge, the practice will continue to reverberate even once I complete the recitations, and I think that it’s given me an orientation for my life going forward.” ~C

“This was such a great experience that it made me think a lot about the possibility of this practice, of the high level of beauty, magic, integrity, and tenderness – all of it’s there. It is a better world. It’s a world that I can go to and that’s really like a refuge. I didn’t know what a difference I would feel when I started this. The shimmering of life is dulled down for all these weird reasons, and this is a great remedy for that.” ~I

“I got a lot more kindness for myself, which I was in need of. I built a digital Sangha. The words that I’m saying at the beginning [refuge], were just words, and now feel true, it’s such a warm, lovely feeling, and it makes me excited to keep learning and exploring my practice.” ~G

“Deep and rich, in so many dimensions – to be practicing either literally or just in daily experience, it’s very meaningful and significant, and I felt a lot of growth through that.“ ~R

All of the ngondro meditations are highly psychological and psycho-physical. They deal with the fundamental issues of a spiritual life, ones identity, body, relationships, past and future.

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Buddhism & Sexuality Starts This Week!

March 3rd – 5th Online

9am – 12pm pacific / 12-3pm eastern

Hosted by Pema Khandro

Did the Buddha teach consent? What do celibacy and sacred sexuality have in common? What does Buddhism say about polyamory, polygamy, and monogamy? Where do queer sexualities fit in yab yum imagery? What’s the difference between neo tantra and Buddhist tantra? Where does Buddhism draw the line on sexual abuse and violence? Join three scholars of Buddhist Studies to explore the profound topic of the history of Buddhist sexualities pertaining to:

  • Celibacy

  • Sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra

  • A simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen

Register for Buddhism & Sexuality

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings

with Drupon Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro

April 7 – 9, 2023

Join us for this special event, the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, an initiation into the inner tantra practice of generation stage meditation, led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Lama Pema Khandro. This exceptional program will feature three mornings of instructions, empowerment and meditations of Chakrasamvara. It will be led by Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche who will give the empowerment and Lama Pema Khandro who will give the instructions for practice. We are honored to host the most excellent interpreter, Ina Bieler! The empowerment will be translated into lucid and easy to understand English.

Register Now for Chakrasamvara

Start Women’s History Month with Pema Khandro in Lion’s Roar

The First Women’s March

More than two-and-a-half centuries ago, Mahapajapati Gotami, the Buddha’s aunt, set a precedent for the women’s rights.

Read More

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online

Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Jan 25-Feb 27 – Buddhist Ethics

Feb 22 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 27-Oct 16 – Ngondro Training

Feb 27-Apr 17 – Ngondro 1 – The Field of Buddhas


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders

Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

The Tantric Preliminaries – Starts in 1 Week


Buddhist Studies Institute

Ngondro Training

Module 1 Field of Buddhas

Starts Monday, February 27th – Online

5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

The Tantric Preliminaries – Find Your Way to the Vajra World

The traditional training in Tibetan tantra begins with the series of profound meditations known as ngondro. They offer a reorientation of the body and mind, an opening into a greater sense of oneself, one’s purpose and one’s resources in an interconnected world built in altruism.

The ngondro series presents all the core practices that permeate Vajrayana, the path of esoteric Buddhism, including refuge, bodhichitta, mandala offering, deity yoga and empowerment.

Ngondro is meant to be done in a community. Join an international group of like minded travelers on a profound journey into the heart of Vajrayana meditation.

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Testimonial from a recent Ngondro Grad

“What a precious opportunity it has been to receive the transmissions, dharma teachings and practices of the Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro from Pema Khandro Rinpoche!

Her generous offering is unparalleled, in that here in the West we can receive these essential, accessible and undiluted teachings within an historical context, so that we dismantle the colonial tendency to extract and accommodate our preferences.

Having completed Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro even just once has been foundational to my life and my practices.

Refuge and Bodhicitta continues to support me to align with the lineage of the enlightened nature of mind, bow to all who bow and open my heart for the alleviation of suffering for all beings.

Vajrasattva practice continues to humble me in dissolving my karmic knots and opening to the immense forgiveness available in all times.

Mandala Offering continues to water the seeds of generosity beyond expectation.

Lama Naljor continues to support me to embody the lineage of the enlightened Nature of Mind.

In her impeccable way, Pema Khandro Rinpoche dissolves the dualistic pretense of bowing to a human form of enlightenment, while at the same time embodying the very qualities to which I am honored to bow.” ~ K.W.

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Buddhism & Sexuality

March 3rd – 5th Online

9am – 12pm pacific / 12-3pm eastern

Did the Buddha teach consent? What do celibacy and sacred sexuality have in common? What does Buddhism say about polyamory, polygamy, and monogamy? Where do queer sexualities fit in yab yum imagery? What’s the difference between neo tantra and Buddhist tantra? Where does Buddhism draw the line on sexual abuse and violence? Join three scholars of Buddhist Studies to explore the profound topic of Buddhist sexualities. Hosted by Pema Khandro.

Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen.

Buddhism & Sexuality Bonus Replay

Bonus Replay Includes: Conversations on Buddhism & Sexuality with Pema Khandro, Lama Willa, Lama Rod, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Dr. Ann Gleg and Dr. Amy Langenberg.

Register Now for Buddhism & Sexuality

Tibetan New Year Celebration
Happy Losar – Year of the Water Rabbit!

All Members of Ngakpa International and the Buddhist Studies Institute are welcomed to join us for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration – Online!

Registration is limited to members only. To find out more about member levels and benefits, or to become a member, visit Become a Member.

Register for Losar Celebration

Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mondays, March 6 – 27

  • Live Instruction with Pema Khandro

  • Focus Groups & Community Discussion with Aruna Rig’dzin & Dr. Satya

  • Self-Paced Video Learning with Pema Khandro

  • Self-Paced Book Reading: Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformational Healing, by David A. Treleaven and Willoughby Britton

Register Now for Trauma-Informed Teaching

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online

Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Jan 25-Feb 20 – Buddhist Ethics

Feb 22 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 27-Oct 16 – Ngondro Training

Feb 27-Apr 17 – Ngondro 1 – The Field of Buddhas


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders

Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

This is the Year You Finish Ngondro


Buddhist Studies Institute

Ngondro Training

Module 1 Field of Buddhas

Starts Monday, February 27th – Online

5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Build your life on a solid foundation.
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngongro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.

The Tantric Preliminaries – Find Your Way to the Vajra World.
The traditional training in Tibetan tantra begins with the series of profound meditations known as ngondro. They offer a reorientation of the body and mind, an opening into a greater sense of oneself, one’s purpose and one’s resources in an interconnected world built in altruism.

The ngondro series presents all the core practices that permeate Vajrayana, the path of esoteric Buddhism, including refuge, bodhichitta, mandala offering, deity yoga and empowerment.

Ngondro is meant to be done in a community. Join an international group of like minded travelers on a profound journey into the heart of Vajrayana meditation.

Testimonials from last year’s Water Tiger cohort

G.: “I got a lot more kindness for myself, which I was in need of.”
“I built a digital Sangha. The words that I’m saying at the beginning [refuge], were just words, and now feel true, it’s such a warm, lovely feeling, and it makes me excited to keep learning and exploring my practice.”

R: “Deep and rich, in so many dimensions – to be practicing either literally or just in daily experience, it’s very meaningful and significant, and I felt a lot of growth through that. “

C: “Being able to persevere and go beyond so many limitations in both body and mind, and through that glimpsing some profound potentials of the path. This entire year has been my refuge, the practice will continue to reverberate even once I complete the recitations, and I think that it’s given me an orientation for my life going forward.”

I.: “This was such a great experience that it made me think a lot about the possibility of this practice, of the high level of beauty, magic, integrity, and tenderness – all of it’s there. It is a better world. It’s a world that I can go to and that’s really like a refuge. I didn’t know what a difference I would feel when I started this. The shimmering of life is dulled down for all these weird reasons, and this is a great remedy for that.”

R.: “I just want to keep doing it my whole life!”

Register Now for Ngondro Training

Buddhism & Sexuality + Bonus Content

March 3rd – 5th Online

9am – 12pm pacific / 12-3pm eastern

Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen.

Bonus Content Includes: Conversations on Buddhism & Sexuality with Pema Khandro, Lama Willa, Lama Rod, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Dr. Ann Gleg and Dr. Amy Langenberg.

Register Now for Buddhism & Sexuality

Tibetan New Year Celebration
Happy Losar – Year of the Water Rabbit!

All Members of Ngakpa International and the Buddhist Studies Institute are welcomed to join us for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration – Online!

Registration is limited to members only. To find out more about member levels and benefits, or to become a member, visit Become a Member.

Register for Losar Celebration

2023 Schedule of Events


Daily Meditation Online

Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Jan 25-Feb 20 – Buddhist Ethics

Feb 22 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 27-Oct 16 – Ngondro Training

Feb 27-Apr 17 – Ngondro 1 – The Field of Buddhas


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders

Apr 7-9 – Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Buddhism & Sexuality – Registration is Open


Buddhist Studies Institute

Join Dr. Pema Khandro, Dr. Nicole Willock and Dr. Julie Regan for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen.

Bonus Content Includes: Conversations on Buddhism & Sexuality with Pema Khandro, Lama Willa, Lama Rod, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Dr. Ann Gleg and Dr. Amy Langenberg.

Learn More + Register Now

Ngondro Training with Pema Khandro
Feb 27 – Oct 16, 2023

Ngondro means ‘before going.’ In traditional Vajrayana practice, it represents the cognitive, physical, emotional and philosophical components which are keys to the practice of liberation. It is the basis for all Vajrayana practice and thus it is used as a the pre-requisite for the great practices of the Vajrayana tradition. However, ngondro itself is a beloved meditation series for its own sake. It is often practiced many times throughout a life cycle by great yogis of the Nyingma tradition such as Patrul Rinpoche (eighteenth century).

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Learn More about Ngondro Training

Happy Losar ~ Year of the Water Rabbit!
February 22nd, 5pm PST

All Members of Ngakpa International and the Buddhist Studies Institute are welcomed to join us for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration – Online!

Registration is limited to members only. To find out more about member levels and benefits, or to become a member, visit Become a Member.

Upcoming Events

Ongoing Monthly Classes

Daily Meditation Online

Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Upcoming Events

Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members – Feb 22

Ngondro Training – Mondays, Feb 27 – Oct 16

Buddhism & Sexuality Mar 3-5

Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation – Mondays, Mar 6-27

Healthy Boundaries for Teachers – Mar 25-Apr 24

2023 Calendar

Click Here to view the 2023 BSI Calendar

*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone



Buddhist Studies Institute


Open to Vajra Sangha Members

Saturday, February 4th – Online

9 – 11:30am Pacific / 12pm – 2:30pm Eastern

The Vajra Sangha retreat is an opportunity for practice, study, and community celebration for the long-term students of Pema Khandro who have been enrolled in Vajra Sangha membership.

Register Now for Vajrakilaya

You Can Still Join In!
Self-Paced Study + Weekly Discussion Group

The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Optional Focus Groups offer review and discussion of self-paced coursework and time for fostering community connections.

Live Focus Groups with Aruna Rig’dzin and Dr. Satya
Mondays in February
PST | 4:00-4:30pm EST

Register Now for Buddhist Ethics

Tibetan New Year Celebration
Happy Losar – Year of the Water Rabbit!

All Members of Ngakpa International and the Buddhist Studies Institute are welcomed to join us for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration – Online!

Registration is limited to members only. To find out more about member levels and benefits, or to become a member, visit Become a Member.

Ngondro Training with Pema Khandro
Feb 27 – Oct 16, 2023

Ngondro means ‘before going.’ In traditional Vajrayana practice, it represents the cognitive, physical, emotional and philosophical components which are keys to the practice of liberation. It is the basis for all Vajrayana practice and thus it is used as a the pre-requisite for the great practices of the Vajrayana tradition. However, ngondro itself is a beloved meditation series for its own sake. It is often practiced many times throughout a life cycle by great yogis of the Nyingma tradition such as Patrul Rinpoche (eighteenth century).

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Learn More about Ngondro Training

2023 Schedule of Events


Vajrayana Training1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training 3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training – Jan 21-Jun 16


Jan 25-Feb 20 – Buddhist Ethics

Feb 4 – Vajra Sangha Retreat Online: Vajrakilaya Lung & Practice

Feb 22 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 27-Oct 16 – Ngondro Training

Feb 27-Apr 17 – Ngondro 1 – The Field of Buddhas


Mar 3-5 – Buddhism & Sexuality

Mar 6-27 – Teaching Trauma-Informed Meditation

Mar 25-Apr 24 – Healthy Boundaries for Teachers & Leaders

Mar 31-Apr 2 Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro


Apr 24-Jun 12 – Ngondro 2 – Purifying the Mind


May 1-22 – Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way

May 24-Jun 19 – Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World


Jun 1-4 – Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain

Jun 19 – Aug 14 – Ngondro 3 – Mountain of Jewels

Jun 21-Jul 10 – Teachings on Karma


July 15-16 – Meditation Instructor Training Retreat & Graduation


Aug 3-6 – Annual Dzogchen Retreat, San Diego County

Aug 21-Oct 16 – Ngondro 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom


Sept 8-17 – Buddhist Psychology Training


Oct 6-8 – Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA


Nov 1 – Season of Practice Begins

Nov 3-5 – Bardo Teachings


Dec 1-3 – Buddhism & the Environment

Dec 13 – Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser


Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024 – Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra

Feb 12, 2024 – Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members

Feb 19, 2024 – Ngondro Training Begins

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Change to Upcoming Event Schedule


Buddhist Studies Institute

Recent Changes to the 2023 Calendar of Events

Due to a scheduling conflict, the Buddhism & Sexuality weekend will now take place the first weekend of March and the Vajra Sangha Online Meeting will take place on February 4th. Buddhism and the Environment has thus been moved to the first weekend in December. Scroll down for the most up-to-date schedule of events.

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

You Can Still Join In!

The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality.

Overview of Coursework
Buddhist Ethics 1: Introduction to Vows and Codes: the 5 precepts, the 3 vows, codes of conduct, and principles of integrity

Buddhist Ethics 2: Introduction to the 5 Precepts & Precept 1- Doing No Harm

Buddhist Ethics 3: Introduction to the Precept of Non-harming
Is killing ever justified? Buddhist stories and history that give perspective on this issue

Buddhist Ethics 4: Introduction to the Precept of Not Taking What is Not Freely Given – Overview of the precept, systems of exploitation, Tibetan cultures, and practices.

Buddhist Ethics 5: Sexual Misconduct – making sense of different viewpoints.
How to have integrity in one’s sexuality from various Buddhist perspectives.

Buddhist Ethics 6: The Story of the Lying Mahasiddha

Buddhist Ethics 7: Vow of Speech – Speech with Integrity
How to use speech for non-harm and liberation, and how to abandon false speech.

Buddhist Ethics 8: False Speech Addendum
Speaking up in the face of abuse, divisive speech, speaking up and out. An Addendum to The Fourth Precept.

Buddhist Ethics 9: Precept Against Intoxicants – Avoiding the Demented State
How to remain stable in the unaltered state, and discussion on addictions.

Buddhist Ethics 10: A Review – Underlying Principles Behind Buddhist Ethics

Live Schedule of Training
Live Introduction with Pema Khandro (recorded and available)
Wed Jan 25th – 5pm pacific | 8pm eastern

Focus Groups with Aruna Rig’dzin and Dr. Satya
Mondays – Jan 30 + Feb 6, 13, 20, 27
1-1:30pm PT / 4-4:30pm
Optional Focus Groups offer review and discussion of self-paced coursework and time for fostering community connections.

About Tuition
General Tuition: $108

Members with Instant Access
(login and go to course content for zoom link):

  • Supporter Members

  • Snow Lion Members

  • Sustainer (All-Access-Pass) Members

Click Here to View Member Benefits

Register Now

Vajra Sangha Retreat

Saturday, February 4th – Online

9 – 11:30am Pacific / 12pm – 2:30pm Eastern

Pema Khandro will give the Vajrakilaya lung and practice.

The Vajra Sangha retreat is an opportunity for practice, study, and community celebration for the long-term students of Pema Khandro who have been enrolled in Vajra Sangha membership.

Vajra Sangha are the long-term personal students of Pema Khandro who are eligible for private teachings and advanced training. The Vajra Sangha functions in a warm, closely connected community, based on long-term friendships, mutual respect, and appreciation. It is an association of serious practitioners who do in-depth study and service, who are also able to be light-hearted together and celebrate life. It is a community of leaders rather than a community of followers since advanced Buddhist study requires a willingness to take responsibility for one’s life and be willing to care for our world. Vajra Sangha Retreats are open to Vajra Sangha Members only. Members are accepted through an extensive application process in order to keep the group limited to serious, long-term students of Pema Khandro who are eligible to participate as Vajra Sangha.

Register Now

Happy Losar ~ Year of the Water Rabbit!

All Members of Ngakpa International and the Buddhist Studies Institute are welcomed to join us for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration – Online!

Registration is limited to members only. To find out more about member levels and benefits, or to become a member, visit Become a Member.

Ngondro Training with Pema Khandro
Feb 27 – Oct 16, 2023

Ngondro means ‘before going.’ In traditional Vajrayana practice, it represents the cognitive, physical, emotional and philosophical components which are keys to the practice of liberation. It is the basis for all Vajrayana practice and thus it is used as a the pre-requisite for the great practices of the Vajrayana tradition. However, ngondro itself is a beloved meditation series for its own sake. It is often practiced many times throughout a life cycle by great yogis of the Nyingma tradition such as Patrul Rinpoche (eighteenth century).

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Learn More about Ngondro Training

2023 Schedule of Events

Vajrayana Training
1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training
3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training
Jan 21 – Jun 16

Buddhist Women Then & Now
with Karma Lekshe Tsomo & Pema Khandro

Jan 23

Buddhist Ethics
Jan 25 – Feb 20

Vajra Sangha Retreat Online – Vajrakilaya Lung & Practice
Feb 4

Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members
Feb 22

Ngondro Training
Mondays, Feb 27 – Oct 16

Ngondro Training 1 – The Field of Buddhas
Mondays, Feb 27 – Apr 17

Buddhism & Sexuality
Mar 3-5

Teaching Trauma Informed Meditation
Mondays, Mar 6 – 27

Healthy Boundaries for Teachers
Mar 25 – Apr 24

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro
Mar 31 – Apr 2

Ngondro Training 2 – Purifying the Mind
Mondays, Apr 24 – Jun 12

Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way
Mondays, May 1-22

Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World
May 24 – Jun 19

Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain
Jun 1 – 4

Ngondro Training 3 – Mountain of Jewels
Mondays, Jun 19 – Aug 14

Meditation Instructor Training – Final Transmission & Graduation
July 15 – 16

Teachings on Karma
Jun 21 – Jul 10

Annual Dzogchen Retreat – San Diego County
Aug 3 – 6

Ngondro Training 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom
Mondays, Aug 21 – Oct 16

Buddhist Psychology Training
Sept 8 – 17

Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA
Oct 6 – 8

Season of Practice Begins
Nov 1

Bardo Teachings
Nov 3 – 5

Buddhism & the Environment
Dec 1 – 3

Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser
Dec 13

Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra
Mondays, Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024

Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members
Feb 12, 2024

Ngondro Training Begins
Feb 19, 2024

Five Buddhist Precepts from a Tantric Perspective – Starts Tonight!


Buddhist Studies Institute

Five Buddhist Precepts – from a Tantric perspective

Starts Tonight

The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality.

Topics covered in this course include:

  • Buddhist theories about vegetarian lifestyle vs. meat-eating

  • Buddhist perspectives on alcohol and drug use

  • Conscious use of sexual energy, Buddhist philosophy about desire

  • Handling resources, money, and spirituality

  • Honesty, and the speech that takes us beyond confusion

Completion of Buddhist Ethics coursework is required for:

  • Vajrayana Training

  • Meditation Instructor Training Certification

  • Vajra Sangha Membership

  • Ngakpa Training

Overview of Coursework
Buddhist Ethics 1: Introduction to Vows and Codes: the 5 precepts, the 3 vows, codes of conduct, and principles of integrity

Buddhist Ethics 2: Introduction to the 5 Precepts & Precept 1- Doing No Harm

Buddhist Ethics 3: Introduction to the Precept of Non-harming
Is killing ever justified? Buddhist stories and history that give perspective on this issue

Buddhist Ethics 4: Introduction to the Precept of Not Taking What is Not Freely Given – Overview of the precept, systems of exploitation, Tibetan cultures, and practices.

Buddhist Ethics 5: Sexual Misconduct – making sense of different viewpoints.
How to have integrity in one’s sexuality from various Buddhist perspectives.

Buddhist Ethics 6: The Story of the Lying Mahasiddha

Buddhist Ethics 7: Vow of Speech – Speech with Integrity
How to use speech for non-harm and liberation, and how to abandon false speech.

Buddhist Ethics 8: False Speech Addendum
Speaking up in the face of abuse, divisive speech, speaking up and out. An Addendum to The Fourth Precept.

Buddhist Ethics 9: Precept Against Intoxicants – Avoiding the Demented State
How to remain stable in the unaltered state, and discussion on addictions.

Buddhist Ethics 10: A Review – Underlying Principles Behind Buddhist Ethics

Schedule of Training
Live Introduction with Pema Khandro
Wed Jan 25th – 5pm pacific | 8pm eastern

Focus Groups with Aruna Rig’dzin and Dr. Satya
Mondays – Jan 30 + Feb 6, 13, 20, 27
1-1:30pm PT / 4-4:30pm
Optional Focus Groups offer review and discussion of self-paced coursework and time for fostering community connections.

About Tuition
General Tuition: $108

Member with Instant Access (login and go to course content for zoom link):

  • Supporter Members

  • Snow Lion Members

  • Sustainer (All-Access-Pass) Members

Click Here to View Member Benefits

Register Now
Learn More about Member Benefits

Ngondro Training with Pema Khandro
Feb 27 – Oct 16, 2023

Ngondro means ‘before going.’ In traditional Vajrayana practice, it represents the cognitive, physical, emotional and philosophical components which are keys to the practice of liberation. It is the basis for all Vajrayana practice and thus it is used as a the pre-requisite for the great practices of the Vajrayana tradition. However, ngondro itself is a beloved meditation series for its own sake. It is often practiced many times throughout a life cycle by great yogis of the Nyingma tradition such as Patrul Rinpoche (eighteenth century).

Without proper instruction ngondro can be incredibly complex and difficult. This course offers a simple, thorough, direct and supported experience of ngondro – making the heart essence of Vajrayana accessible for serious practitioners.

Learn More about Ngondro Training

2023 Schedule of Events

Recent Changes – Due to a scheduling conflict, the Buddhism & Sexuality weekend will now take place the first weekend of March and the Vajra Sangha Retreat will take its place on February 4th. Buddhism and the Environment has thus been moved to the first weekend in December. Scroll down for the most up-to-date schedule of events.

Click Here to view the BSI Calendar View
Click Here for Events List and Registration
*All Times are noted in Pacific Time (PT) – Check your Timezone

Vajrayana Training
1st & 2nd Wednesday of each month

Ngakpa Training
3rd Wednesday of each month

Meditation Instructor Training
Jan 21 – Jun 16

Buddhist Women Then & Now
with Karma Lekshe Tsomo & Pema Khandro

Jan 23

Buddhist Ethics
Jan 25 – Feb 20

Vajra Sangha Retreat Online – Vajrakilaya Lung & Practice
Feb 4

Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members
Feb 22

Ngondro Training
Mondays, Feb 27 – Oct 16

Ngondro Training 1 – The Field of Buddhas
Mondays, Feb 27 – Apr 17

Buddhism & Sexuality
Mar 3-5

Teaching Trauma Informed Meditation
Mondays, Mar 6 – 27

Healthy Boundaries for Teachers
Mar 25 – Apr 24

Chakrasamvara Empowerment & Teachings
with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche & Pema Khandro
Mar 31 – Apr 2

Ngondro Training 2 – Purifying the Mind
Mondays, Apr 24 – Jun 12

Excellent Path: Bodhisattva’s Way
Mondays, May 1-22

Teaching Meditation in a Multicultural World
May 24 – Jun 19

Chod Retreat at Dakini Mountain
Jun 1 – 4

Ngondro Training 3 – Mountain of Jewels
Mondays, Jun 19 – Aug 14

Meditation Instructor Training – Final Transmission & Graduation
July 15 – 16

Teachings on Karma
Jun 21 – Jul 10

Annual Dzogchen Retreat – San Diego County
Aug 3 – 6

Ngondro Training 4 – Intrinsic Wisdom
Mondays, Aug 21 – Oct 16

Buddhist Psychology Training
Sept 8 – 17

Vajra Sangha Retreat – Location TBA
Oct 6 – 8

Season of Practice Begins
Nov 1

Bardo Teachings
Nov 3 – 5

Buddhism & the Environment
Dec 1 – 3

Pema Khandro Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser
Dec 13

Mahayana Program: The Heart Sutra
Mondays, Jan 8 – Feb 5, 2024

Losar Tibetan New Year Celebration for Members
Feb 12, 2024

Ngondro Training Begins
Feb 19, 2024

Tonight: Pema Khandro & Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo


Buddhist Studies Institute

Special Event
with Ven Karma Lekshe Tsomo & Pema Khandro

So much has changed for Buddhist women in the last three decades, this dharma conversation features two pioneering women who have devoted their lives to these changes. Join Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Dr. Pema Khandro for this special evening as they reflect on Buddhist Women before and after – discussing their journey into the scholar’s life and the status of Buddhist women today. This conversation comes at a joyful turning point as Ven. Lekshe-la celebrates her retirement after twenty-two years of serving as a University of San Diego professor. Likewise, Khandro-la celebrates the turning point of completing her Phd in Buddhist Studies at the University of Virginia.

Register Now

The Five Buddhist Precepts, from a Tantric perspective

The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality.

Topics covered in this course include:

  • Buddhist theories about vegetarian lifestyle vs. meat-eating

  • Buddhist perspectives on alcohol and drug use

  • Conscious use of sexual energy, Buddhist philosophy about desire

  • Handling resources, money, and spirituality

  • Honesty, and the speech that takes us beyond confusion

Completion of Buddhist Ethics coursework is required for:

  • Vajrayana Training

  • Meditation Instructor Training Certification

  • Vajra Sangha Membership

  • Ngakpa Training

Overview of Coursework
Buddhist Ethics 1: Introduction to Vows and Codes: the 5 precepts, the 3 vows, codes of conduct, and principles of integrity

Buddhist Ethics 2: Introduction to the 5 Precepts & Precept 1- Doing No Harm

Buddhist Ethics 3: Introduction to the Precept of Non-harming
Is killing ever justified? Buddhist stories and history that give perspective on this issue

Buddhist Ethics 4: Introduction to the Precept of Not Taking What is Not Freely Given – Overview of the precept, systems of exploitation, Tibetan cultures, and practices.

Buddhist Ethics 5: Sexual Misconduct – making sense of different viewpoints.
How to have integrity in one’s sexuality from various Buddhist perspectives.

Buddhist Ethics 6: The Story of the Lying Mahasiddha

Buddhist Ethics 7: Vow of Speech – Speech with Integrity
How to use speech for non-harm and liberation, and how to abandon false speech.

Buddhist Ethics 8: False Speech Addendum
Speaking up in the face of abuse, divisive speech, speaking up and out. An Addendum to The Fourth Precept.

Buddhist Ethics 9: Precept Against Intoxicants – Avoiding the Demented State
How to remain stable in the unaltered state, and discussion on addictions.

Buddhist Ethics 10: A Review – Underlying Principles Behind Buddhist Ethics

Schedule of Training
Live Introduction with Pema Khandro
Wed Jan 25th – 5pm pacific | 8pm eastern

Focus Groups with Aruna Rig’dzin and Dr. Satya
Mondays – Jan 30 + Feb 6, 13, 20, 27
1-1:30pm PT / 4-4:30pm
Focus Groups offer review and discussion of self-paced coursework and time for fostering community connections.

About Tuition
General Tuition: $108

Membership Access

  • Supporter Members

  • Snow Lion Members

  • Sustainer (All-Access-Pass) Members

Click Here to View Member Benefits

Register Now
Learn More about Member Benefits