2024.4.Touching Earth

2023.12.The Heart Sutra

2023.4.Chakrasamvara.Empowerment & Teachings

Protected: 2022.10.Calling the 100,000 Dakinis.San Diego

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2022.10.Moonlight Dispelling Darkness

2022.07.Troma Nagmo.Fierce Compassion

The Troma Nagmo Retreat

Online with Pema Khandro

July 15-17, 2022

9-12pm PST // 12-3pm EST // 5-8pm BST



The meditation practice of the black wrathful Dakini, Troma Nagmo, unlocks the innermost wisdom mind. It is a gateway to the profound wisdom that sees things as they are, that faces reality in its full range of expressions – of horror and beauty, rupture and peace, death and renewal. Troma Nagmo is the black wrathful dakini who escorts beings to the state beyond fear, an advanced meditation for discovering resilience, bravery and intensely compassionate presence.

This online retreat focuses on the fierce compassion meditation of Troma Nagmo, This is the fiercely compassionate form of Vajrayogini.

This retreat is taught by Buddhist scholar and Lama, Pema Khandro in an online format to support retreat practice at home. Learn more about Pema Khandro here. There are no prerequisites required to attend. Pema Khandro will bestow the lung, teachings, and practice of Troma in its classical form, from the Rinchen Trengwa Chod, a very direct cycle that cuts to the essence of the dakini wisdom. Join us for this rare opportunity to engage in the profound practice of Troma.

2021.4.Dzogchen.Finding Comfort & Ease

2021.3.The Bardo Teachings


Bardo refers to the experience of rupture- of endings and uncertainty – that leave us suspended in the liminal spaces between what was and what will be. Bardo refers to dying and post death as well as to states of radical transformation in life. Pema Khandro teaches on the six bardos, Buddhist instructions for how to live wakefully in the phases of change within our lives.

2020.12.The 21 Taras

Teachings on Karma

Buddhist Ethics

2020.6.In the Presence of Dying

Tibetan Buddhist Teachings on Death & Memorial Service
Led by Pema Khandro

Death, Dying & Rebirth, the Tibetan Bardo Teachings 
Pema Khandro presents Tibetan Buddhist teachings on  preparing ourselves and loved ones for death.

Guiding Loved Ones Through the Bardo (Shitro)
Instructions and practice for Guiding Loved Ones Through the Bardo (Shitro) for all those who have passed away led by Pema Khandro.

2020.6.Contemplative Care

Pema Khandro Interviews Koshin Paley Ellison on caring for people as they are dying. They discuss being at the bedside of someone who is difficult or angry in their final stage of life. Koshin Paley Ellison describes his work as a contemplative care worker and Zen Buddhist priest.

2020.6.Past Life Research

Pema Khandro Interviews Dr. Jim Tucker on his book Life Before Life, which discusses scientific research documenting the cases children who remember past lives. Pema Khandro interviews Dr. Tucker about these cases and raises questions about the convergences and divergences from Buddhist theories of reincarnation. Dr. Tucker discusses examples of the cases including the fascinating case discussed in his book of the child who remembered being in a war and whose memories were then corroborated by investigation. Dr. Jim B. Tucker is a child psychiatrist and Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. Pema Khandro is a scholar of Tibetan Buddhism and teacher of Buddhist philosophy.

2020.6.Transitional Life Care

Pema Khandro interviews Julie Rogers. They discuss Julie’s manual on Buddhist customs for caring for the body of loved ones who have just passed away. This includes a discussion of how to keep the body at home for a period after the respiration has ceased, how long to leave the body untouched and other Buddhist customs. Julie Rogers is the founder of Transitional Life Care. Pema Khandro is a scholar and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism.